Photo: André Künzelmann (UFZ)

Education & Training

Research-oriented education and training is indispensable for the development of innovative new strategies and methods in relation to the grand challenges in the water sector. The CAWR is based on the following programs/ activities, which will also be expanded and complemented in the coming years:

  • Masters programmes: Hydro-Science and Engineering, Water Management, Hydrology, Hydrobiology, Waste Treatment and Contaminated Site Management, Geodesy, Geography, GIS technologies, Spatial Development and Natural Resources Management, and Forest Sciences

  • The graduate school HIGRADE with its wide range of topics encourages interdisciplinary thinking and research among students, provides them with excellent research facilities and supports them in publishing their research and implementing their inter- und transdisciplinary know-how.

  • The Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) is responsible for holding post-graduate courses for experts from developing and emerging countries in collaboration with UNEP, UNESCO, BMU und UBA.

  • UNU-FLORES: The institute for the „Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources“ was founded in Dresden in 2012. Due to close cooperation between the TUD, UFZ and UNU there is a close link to the activities of the UNU-system.

  • Capacity Development (CD): The concept developed within the framework of the joint research project IWAS provides the framework for CD from the individual, through the institutional level to the regulatory system.

  • IWRM E-learning (together with IHP): Open access systems complement traditional training.