
The dashboard presented for the project Radfuss+, provides a sophisticated interface for the visualization and analysis of air pollution data. It is divided into several key components:

  • Date and Sensor Selection: Users can define the date range for the data they wish to analyze, and select from various sensors to customize the information displayed.
  • Pollutant Specification: The pollutant dropdown allows users to choose the type of pollutant they are interested in.
  • Distribution Chart and Map Animation Options: The interface provides options to choose the type of distribution chart, such as a box plot, violin plot or a histogram and the style of map animation, like a slider, cluster or markers to best suit the analysis.
  • Interactive Map: A detailed map is featured, pinpointing the location of the data collected.
  • Box Plot Distribution: This visual representation displays the distribution of pollution concentration levels detected by the selected sensor. It provides insights into the spread and outliers in the data, showcasing the variability of pollution concentration over the chosen timeframe.
  • Time Series Plot: To the right of the box plot is a time series graph that illustrates the pollutant concentration over time. This plot allows users to observe trends, patterns, and fluctuations in the data across the specified date range.

Together, these elements create a comprehensive tool for environmental professionals, researchers, and the public to monitor and analyze personal exposure data of the person wearing the sensor. The dashboard's user-friendly design enables dynamic interaction with the data, facilitating informed decision-making and environmental awareness of study participants.
