How can we raise awareness of the personal exposure to environmental stressors and promote cycling and walking as a means of transport?
The main aim of RadFuß+ is to create analysis tools for personal exposure data. To this end, the data collected in a pilot phase and in previous projects with wearable sensors will be made available in a dashboard. A 3D visualisation and analysis application (3DVAA) developed in the project presents the measured data in aggregated form for the entire city of Leipzig and identifies hot spots of exposure.
These tools can be used by urban planners, particularly to improve the environment for cyclists and pedestrians. By sensitising city dwellers to exposure to noise pollution, air quality and heat, the project aims to improve the attractiveness of cycling and walking. RadFuß+ is working closely with the NGO Superblocks ( to implement the data campaign.
The ultimate goal is to develop actionable strategies that mitigate the environmental impact on cyclists and pedestrians and also contribute to achieving climate targets at regional and global level