Risk Habitat



Barbara Lenz, German Aerospace Centre; Francisco Martínez, Universidad de Chile; Cristián Cortés, Universidad de Chile


Rush hour (Santiago de Chile)
  • identify most effective transport demand management measures in Santiago de Chile with regard to a more sustainable transportation system now and in the future and assess their influence on transport demand or support modal shifts from private to public transport
  • assess data requirement and availability in Santiago de Chile or other Latin American megacities for the work with modelling instruments
  • investigate how expertise in micro- and macroscopic modelling can be brought together to enable the evaluation of transport demand management measures such as congestion charging, speed limits or changes in service of the public transport sector and
  • assess to what extent the transportation sector contributes to air pollution throughout the city and how the analysis of the vehicle fleet structure can improve the forecast of emission distribution models

Involved organizations and scientists

German Aerospace Centre - DLR
B. Lenz, M. Mehlin, A. Justen

Universidad de Chile - UCH
F. Martínez, C. Cortés