Risk Habitat

Water resources and services


H. Lehn, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe; A. M. Sancha, Universidad de Chile; A. Jouravlev, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL)


drinking man
  • develop a general implementation strategy for sustainable water supply and sewage treatment
  • assess water related risks (hygienic, economic, ecological, technical) for sustainable development
  • conduct a risk analysis of the water infrastructure

Involved organizations and scientists

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - FZK
H. Lehn, W. Höll, U. Obst

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research - HZI
W. R. Abraham

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
G. Strauch

Universidad de Chile - UCH
J. McPhee, A. M. Sancha, C. Godoy

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - ECLAC/CEPAL
A. Jouravlev, R. Szalachman

Ingeneria Alemana S. A. - IASA
J. Vogdt