More about regional seed (Regiosaatgut)

Page of the Federal Bureau for Nature Conservation BfN Native regions of origin

Introduction to the regional seed concept of the Institute for Environmental Planning, Univ. Hannover: regionalised plant production with link to a map of seed transfer zones and link to species filter.

Final report of the DBU project Entwicklung und praktische Umsetzung naturschutzfachlicher Mindestanforderungen an einen Herkunftsnachweis für gebietseigenes Wildpflanzensaatgut krautiger Pflanzen (Prasse, Kunzmann Schröder 2010) for download

News from RegioDiv

Durka W, Michalski S, Bucharova A, 2020 RegioDiv - Genetische Vielfalt krautiger Pflanzenarten in Deutschland. naturmagazin 4/2020: 12-13 Reprint

Our previous work

On the influence of seed production on genetic variation across multiple generations:

Conrady M, Lampei C, Bossdorf O, Hölzel N, Michalski SG, Durka W, Bucharova A (2023) Plants cultivated for ecosystem restoration rapidly evolve towards a domestication syndrome. PNAS, 120: e2219664120. Reprint DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2219664120

-> Press releas Wildpflanzen können sich bei landwirtschaftlicher Vermehrung verändern

Conrady M, Lampei C, Bossdorf O, Durka W*, Bucharova A* (2022) Evolution during seed production for ecological restoration? A molecular analysis of 19 species finds only minor genomic changes. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:1383–1393. Reprint DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14155

A German summary paper:

Durka W, Bossdorf O, Bucharova A, Hermann JM, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Michalski SG (2019) Regionales Saatgut von Wiesenpflanzen: genetische Unterschiede, regionale Anpassung und Ökosystem-Effekte. Natur und Landschaft 94: 146-153 Reprint DOI: 10.17433/4.2019.50153679.146-153

On the effect of propatation on genetic variation and traits:

Nagel R, Durka W, Bossdorf O, Bucharova A (2019). Rapid evolution in native plants cultivated for ecological restoration: not a general pattern. Plant Biology, 21, 551–558 Reprint DOI: 10.1111/plb.12901

On the German seed zone system:

Bucharova A, Bossdorf O, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Prasse R, Durka W (2019). Mix and match! Regional admixture provenancing strikes a balance among different seed-sourcing strategies for ecological restoration. Conservation Genetics 20: 7-17. Reprint DOI: 10.1007/s10592-018-1067-6

Comparative analyses of 7 species from 8 seed transfer zones: Bucharova A, Durka W, Hoelzel N, Kollmann J, Michalski SG, Bossdorf O (2017). Are local plants the best for ecosystem restoration? It depends on how you analyze the data. Ecology and Evolution 7: 10683–10689. Reprint DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3585

Durka W, Michalski SG, Berendzen KW, Bossdorf O, Bucharova A, Hermann JM, Hölzel N, Kollmann J (2017). Genetic differentiation within multiple common grassland plants supports seed transfer zones for ecological restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:127-136. Reprint DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12636

-> Deutsche Zusammenfassung Genetische Analysen unterstützen Regiosaatgut-Konzept

-> Pressemitteilung Gras und Blüten von nebenan

Bucharova A, Michalski SG, Hermann JM, Heveling K, Durka W, Hölzel N, Kollmann J, Bossdorf O (2017) Genetic differentiation and regional adaptation among seed origins used for grassland restoration: lessons from a multi-species transplant experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:116-126. Reprint DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12645

Bucharova A, Frenzel M, Mody K, Parepa M, Durka W, Bossdorf O (2016). Plant ecotype affects interacting organisms across multiple trophic levels. Basic and Applied Ecology 17:688-695. Reprint DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2016.09.001