Optimized Strategies for Risk Assessment
of Industrial Chemicals through Integration
of Non-Test and Test Information


OSIRIS Training

The OSIRIS project organised Training courses on the concepts underlying the design of Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) for the regulatory purposes of REACH as well as on the practical application of software tools applying ITS.

Target groups were young scientists as well as professional end-users in industry and regulatory agencies.

A first full day course for PhD students and young researchers took place on 10 March 2008 at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, Italy.

The second OSIRIS training course was held in Milan on 23-25 September 2009.
The course addressed risk assessment under REACH legislation with particular emphasis on non-testing methods and their use into a more global framework to set preferences in testing strategies and priorities.

The Third OSIRIS Training Course on Integrated Testing Strategies has been held at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, Italy on 3-5 November 2010.

OSIRIS Finished

The official end of the project was reached in September 2011. We thank all partners for their excellent cooperation. The public report giving an overview on the major achievements has been submitted to the European Commission. For legal reasons, please ask them in case you are interested in obtaining a copy. Please note, this news column will no more be updated.

OSIRIS Models and Webtool

ChemProp is publicly available and still being enhanced. A license agreement is necessary to obtain ChemProp
ChemProp: License agreement download

The OSIRIS webtool is no more available.

In general, information, downloads and links concerning software developed within OSIRIS can be found here:
Software overview