3rd BlueGreen Dialogue on the BMBF project Leipziger BlauGrün

Status Seminar - Results and Outlook

22.03.2023 13:30 - 18:00 | Conference | LVZ-Kuppel

The 3rd BlueGreen Dialogues, which took place as part of the public status seminar of the BMBF joint project Leipzig BlueGreen, presented key results of the first project phase from the German model city for "resource-efficient urban districts". In the magnificent rooms of the LVZ dome, 80 people participated in attendance, while by the end of the event there had been around 230 stream calls. In addition to the project partners, the Saxon Minister of State for Regional Development, Thomas Schmidt, as well as the BMBF sub-department head "Sustainability, Future Provision" and chair of the UFZ supervisory board, Ministerialdirigentin Oda Keppler, spoke about the expectations of the state government and the funding body for the RES:Z model cities. In a panel discussion moderated by MDR journalist Grit Krämer, the continuation of the results and ways to implement blue-green infrastructures nationwide were discussed. The panel discussion was joined by municipal decision-makers Dr Ulrich Meyer (Technical Managing Director of Leipziger Wasserwerke), Dr.-Ing. Brigitta Ziegenbein (Head of the Urban Planning Office) and Dr Sabine Heymann (Leipzig City Councillor and Chair of the Expert Committee for Urban Development and Construction). The day ended with a reception above the roofs of Leipzig.

If you missed the event or want to watch it again, you can do so via the YouTube-Stream.

At the same time, we also offer you the possibility to download the presentations (in german) of the event in detail here:

LeipzigerBlauGrün: BlauGrüne Wasserinfrastrukturen im Neubauquartier und im Bestand – Projektübersicht

    Prof. Dr. Roland. A. Müller, Leiter Dept. Umwelt- und Biotechnologisches
    Zentrum, UFZ 2023_03_22_Müller.pdf

BlauGrüne Infrastrukturen und ihre multifunktionalen Wirkungen auf Wohnblock- und Quartiersebene

    Dr. Manfred van Afferden, Dept. Umwelt-und Biotechnologisches Zentrum, UFZ
     2023_03_22_van Afferden.pdf

Planungsinstrumente für eine wassersensible Stadtentwicklung

    Dipl.-Ing. Tilo Sahlbach, Wasserwirtschaft und Wasserbau, HTWK

Ressourceneffiziente Quartiersentwicklung: Energetische Aspekte und Mobilität

    Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Böttger, Tilia GmbH

Politisch-rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für BlauGrüne Infrastrukturen

    Dr. Moritz Reese, Dept. Umwelt-und Planungsrecht, UFZ

Erfolgreicher Pionier Stadt Leipzig und das Neubauquartier L416

    Dr. Uta Richter, Abteilungsleiterin städtebauliche Projektentwicklung, Stadt Leipzig