Fish and frog embryos


This page is an information of the previous symposium in 2014. For registration and information of the 2016 symposium please return to the main page!

Fish and amphibian embryos as alternative models in toxicology and teratology

1.- 2. December 2014, Aulnay-sous-Bois/Paris, France

        An international symposium & workshop

Invited speakers:

Herman Spaink, Leiden University: Automated zebrafish toxicology screening: effect assessment and uptake studies.

Robert Tanguay, Oregon State University: Rapid Assessment of Bioactivity in Zebrafish Embryos: High Content Data for predictive toxicology

Sieto Bosgra, TNO: Extrapolation of in vitro toxicity data to in vivo: from hazard to risk

Vera Rogiers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel: The case of cosmetics: in vitro embryotoxicity testing is a key element in the risk assessment process

Natalie Mesens, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson: Assessing hepatotoxicity in zebrafish early life stage

Dries Knapen, University of Antwerp: Development of an alternative testing strategy for the fish early life-stage test for predicting chronic toxicity

Kai-Uwe Goss, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research: A purely physiologically based toxicokinetic model for fish and fish embryos

Jean-Stephane Joly, CNRS: From brain anatomy to toxicology: perspectives in zebrafish two-photon 3D imaging


    Fish and amphibian embryo models are highly popular in the area of toxicology, both in research, industry and potential regulatory application. These models exhibit a number of advantages which make them superior and/or complementary to others. In compliance with international animal welfare regulations, the fish and amphibian embryo models provide an ethically acceptable small scale analysis system with the complexity of a complete organism. A suite of available advanced methodologies allows various types of experimental approaches ranging from phenotypic observations, functional assays to “omics” analysis. The ultimate goal of the symposium is to promote the development of the fish and frog embryo models as potential alternatives to animal testing.
Two first very succesful symposia were held in 2010 and 2012 with a strong focus on the zebrafish model. While the zebrafish will remain one of the most important model our symposium is open to other fish and amphibian species with similar features. The symposium aims to bring together scientists using fish and frog embryo models, exchange knowledge, ideas and latest developments in the field of toxicology and teratology. Invited lectures will focus on specific topics. Breakout sessions will allow to identify major advantages, limitations, new fields and future research needs of the fish/amphibian embryo model and to establish collaborations.

The focus in 2014 will be on toxicokinetics and the application of embryo assays to develop/identify AOPs (adverse outcome pathways).

Contributions welcome

Contributions from participants, both poster presentations and a limited number of short platform presentations are welcome. These presentations could cover one of the following topics: human toxicology screening, teratogenicity, nanotoxicology, immunotoxicity, regulatory toxicology, endocrine effects, neurotoxicity, toxicogenomics (‘omics‘), high throughput technologies, functional genomics, ethics/animal welfare and ecotoxicology (acute and chronic toxicity, bioconcentration, effluent testing). Please note that you will also have the possibility to present data and results in the breakout sessions!

Program, registration, conference venue



Stefan Scholz

Marc Léonard

Scientific organising committee

Stefan Scholz UFZ
Mark Léonard L'Oréal
Noémie de Crozé L'Oréal
Jessica Legradi IVM (VU Amsterdam)
Aldert Piersma RIVM
Peter de Witte Univ. Leuven
Stephanie Padilla US EPA
Juliette Legler IRAS (Utrecht Univ.)

An activity of the UFZ research programme:
