Fish and frog embryos

        PROGRAMME (Invited speakers are marked with an *)

(A printable PDF version can be opened here.)

Wednesday, 28 November

14:00 - 18:00 Satellite workshops on KNIME and AOPs
                    details of the schedule to be arranged with session chairs

Thursday, 29 November

08:00 | Shuttle bus leaving from conference hotel Mercure Le Bourget. No shuttle is provided for participants staying in Hotel du Parc or Hotel St. Germain (walking distance to L’OREAL conference facility)

09:15 | Welcome and introduction – Laurent Gilbert, Marc Léonard, Stefan Scholz

Please note that there should be ample time for questions after the talks, therefore ~30 min talk plus ~15 min questions would be ideal. Kindly consider this when preparing your presentation so as to enable us to stay within the proposed time-frame.

09:30 | Topic 1: Predicting human toxicology
Chair: Stephanie Padilla (US-EPA)

09:30 | Erica Davis (Duke University)*
Modeling pediatric genetic disease in the developing zebrafish

10:15 | Steven C. Cassar (Abbvie)*
Evaluating the zebrafish developmental assay for predicting embryotoxic chemical plasma levels in mammals

11:00 | Coffee break and Posters

11:30 | Topic 2: OMICs in zebrafish embryos
Chair: Juliette Legler (IRAS)

11:30 | Wibke Busch (UFZ)*
ZFE-Toxicogenomics - from snapshot observations towards dynamic response modelling

12:15 | Pim Leonards (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)*
Metabolome analysis in zebrafish embryos

13:00 | Lunch break (buffet) in poster and exhibition area

14:30 | Topic 3: Data analysis
Chair: Stefan Scholz (UFZ)

14:30 | David Reif (North Carolina State University)*
Leveraging high-throughput screening data to find evidence for susceptibility differences in genetically diverse zebrafish

15:15 | Topic 4: Detection of neuroactive compounds
Chair: Jessica Legradi (RIVM Amsterdam)

15: 15| Matthew Winter (Exeter University)*
Brain pharmacological profiling in zebrafish embryos

16:00 | Coffee break and posters

16:40 | Topic 4 continued: Detection of neuroactive compounds

16:40 | Michael Gundlach (RWTH Aachen)
Adverse outcome pathways - A tool for the ecotoxicological analysis of antidepressants in hospital wastewater

17:00 | Topic 5: Toxicokinetics
Chair: Joop de Knecht (RIVM)

17:00 | Segolene Simeon (INERIS)
PBPK modeling of the zebrafish embryo for reprotoxicity assessment

17:20 | Annelii Ny (KU Leuven)
Compound distribution and half-life determination in zebrafish after different exposure routes

17:40 | Free communications
Chair: Marc Léonard (L’Oréal)

17:40 | David du Pasquier (Watchfrog)
Fish and Frog embryos - the SOLUTIONS to assess the endocrine activity of pollutants?

18:00 | Gunjan Pandey (Univ. Heidelberg)
An Automated High Content Screening Platform for Identification of Cystic Kidney Disease-Modifying Substances in Zebrafish

18:20 | Kristen Ryan (NIEHS-HIH)
The National Toxicology Program’s Approach for the Systematic Evaluation of the Application of Zebrafish in Toxicology (SEAZIT): A Progress Report

18:40 | End of day 1 presentations

19:00 | Departure for dinner
Busses will provide transportation to the dinner venue and back to the hotels.

Friday, 30 November

08:30 | Bus shuttle from Mercure Le Bourget

09:15 | Introduction to breakout sessions (Stefan Scholz, Marc Léonard)
09:30 | Parallel breakout sessions
(Coffee Break for all 11:00 – 11:30)

Short talks in breakout sessions to be dependent on participants’ submissions. Some session chairs have asked poster presenters to give an additional short talk in the breakout session. Hence, there might be additional presentations. Talks could be limited to approx. 10 minutes but this is flexible and can be arranged according to the ideas of the session organisers and the number of talks and interests.

Topic 1 (invited breakout session). Combining toxicokinetics, biotransformation and AOP development in zebrafish embryos for development of predictive assays
Chairs: Joop de Knecht (RIVM), Leo van der Ven (RIVM)

Schoonen, Willem | Zebrafish embryos for prediction and interspecies extrapolation of toxicity of alkoxy/alkyl alcohols and valproic acid by application of the adverse outcome pathway concept

Joop de Knecht | Case study on toxicokinetic modelling of alkoxyethanols and their metabolites in zebrafish embryos

Cindy L. A. Woodland | Evaluation of the Zebrafish Model as an Alternative to Rodent Assays used in Risk Assessments of New Substances Notified for Import or Manufacture in Canada

Dimitrios Damalas | Zebrafish embryos exposed to Triclosan – Combining acute toxicity, toxicokinetics and metabolomics approaches for a comprehensive toxicity assessment strategy

Natalia Garcia Reyero | New Approach Methodologies using the Zebrafish

Topic 2. Behavioural assays / neurotoxicity
Chairs: Jessica Legradi, Matthew Winter

Afolarin Ogungbemi | Behavioral response of zebrafish to chemicals: Analysis of comparability and predictability of mode of action

Ann-Cathrin Haigis | Combination of six different zebrafish embryo behaviour assays for neurotoxicity screening

Marta Barenys | Modelling congenital palsy of cranial nerves in zebrafish embryos to study and prevent Moebius Syndrome

Richard S. Paules | The NTP and Tox21 High-Throughput Transcriptomics and the S1500+ Initiative

Sylvia Dyballa | Cross-validation study of zebrafish larvae and hiPSC cardiomyocytes to predict drug induced cardiovascular activity in humans

Topic 3. Prediction of developmental toxicity, integrated testing strategies
Chairs: Noémie Crozé (L’Oréal), Aldert Piersma (RIVM)

Andrew Tindall | Modelling mixture effects on the estrogen axis using an OECD related biomarker

Iñaki Iturria | Thyroid disruption screening using zebrafish as a vertebrate model

Steven J. van Cruchten | Can skeletal staining increase the sensitivity of the Zebrafish Embryo Developmental Toxicity Assay (ZEDTA)?

Arianna Giusti |Using zebrafish eleuthero embryos and rat microsomes for high- throughput toxicity investigation

Elisabet Teixido | Grouping of chemcials by automated effect pattern analysis in zebrafish embryos

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 | Continuation of breakout session
Finish discussions, prepare report for final panel discussion

15:00 | Summary from breakout sessions, discussion, actions to take, final remarks
Panel discussion: Fish and Amphibian Embryos – ready to use now?
Potential panel members (from among the participants) are about to be contacted.

16:00 | End of Symposium

16:00–16:30 | Brief meeting of organisation committee, feedback on content and organisationGuidance for breakout sessions

Guidance for breakout sessions

Only a part of the breakout session should be used to inform on specific projects in the field and progress in state of the art. Rather a focus on discussion of recent developments, knowledge gaps, regulatory issues, etc. is foreseen. Presentation should be given in a brief format and an interactive manner, i. e. interruptions should be allowed and findings should be directly discussed when presented. The following major issues should be discussed in all breakout session and summarised for the whole symposium:

1. What are the major recent developments important for the field?

2. What are the major knowledge gaps, priority areas that need to be addressed?

3. As a community, how can we address these knowledge gaps (joint projects, joint funding applications, etc.).

4. What are the major concerns/bottleneck – if any? – for regulatory applications in the specific field? What is the perspective of regulatory application – Has there been a major achievements towards an application in regulatory toxicology?

5. Industry perspective: What is considered by industry as the major area for future developments? What can be achieved prior to or independent of acceptance by regulators (screening)?

Note on shuttle services

Please note that no shuttle service will be provided at the end of the symposium (afternoon of 30 Nov), since most of the participants will return home. The conference facility is located close to the RER train station “Aulnay-sous-Bois” with trains directly serving the airport Charle des Gaulle or the international train station Gare de L’Est (Paris-Est). If you need help with transportation and planning please do not hesitate to contact us at the conference secretariat (fish [at]


Stefan Scholz

Marc Léonard

Scientific organising committee

Stefan Scholz UFZ
Mark Léonard L'Oréal
Noémie de Crozé L'Oréal
Jessica Legradi IVM (VU Amsterdam)
Aldert Piersma RIVM
Peter de Witte Univ. Leuven
Stephanie Padilla US EPA
Juliette Legler IRAS (Utrecht Univ.)

An activity of the UFZ research programme:
