Tongji and HC Systems visit Urban Catchments Partners

Prof. LIAO Zhenliang (Tongji), Mr. FAN (CEO), and Mr. LI from HC System visited the project partners of Urban Catchments in Leipzig, Chemnitz, and Dresden from 21.-25.07.2017. The aim of the trip was mainly to visit the German company partners AMC, WISUTEC, and itwh and attend their demonstration of some UC products (see below). HC Systems was able to convince itself of the performance of the system solutions on site. Thus, they received further important information for the application for the ADB project Chaohu for implementation of an environmental information system.


At the visualization center of the UFZ, Karsten Rink and Lars Bilke presented the virtual environmental information system Chaohu. In particular, concepts and possibilities for the integration of complex, heterogeneous, large data sets with a geographic context using the OGS DataExplorer were demonstrated. They showed that process models for different aquatic compartments can also be integrated. Further possibilities for the use of VR systems have also been presented. An example for geothermal deposits was demonstrated by Haibing Shao. Another topic was the presentation of the book project "Urban Catchments - Chaohu" by Agnes Sachse. They discussed on how to integrate the Chinese side into the publication project.


In Chemnitz, the guests met company representatives of AMC and WISUTEC. They discussed the status of the work on the connection of measuring systems to the server at HC System and the research using the software implemented for the data center Chaohu. They agreed to strengthen the collaboration of IT specialists from the three companies HC System, AMC and WISUTEC. The aim is to be able to develop a competitive offer for the ADB project "Data Center Chaohu".


After the visit in Chemnitz, the delegation went to the wastewater treatment plant in Kreischa to continue their inspection of the monitoring stations that are running on tests. The technical modalities for the integration of other third party measurement systems into the current server system of HC System, AMC and WISUTEC could be clarified. The future potential of data generation for the provision of water-relevant relevant parameters and the necessary curves for model calibration were demonstrated.


In Dresden, possibilities of existing system solutions to develop a comprehensive urban water management system to increase the sustainable, increasing water quality of the region of Chaohu were demonstrated.

Itwh presented implemented solutions for real-time strategy-controlled storage space management in existing channel systems. They showed past and current projects they have planned and implemented.

The central control system over the entire drainage system of the city of Dresden was built in KA Kaditz and was presented to the delegation. Rainwater drainage systems and integrated system solutions for mixed water overflows can also be implemented for the CLIENT project.

Important workflows and interfaces that demonstrate the cooperation of reliable measurement technology, processing and interpretation by means of defined algorithms and strategically oriented control strategies were presented.

Finally, strategic decisions on model coupling (channel: itwh; intermittent urban watercourse: TUD) were presented and discussed. They form the basis for integration into a uniform virtual environmental information system Chaohu.

2. Urban Catchments Status Conference

2. Urban Catchments Status Conference

On 23.05.2017 the 2nd Urban Catchments Status Conference of the BMBF CLIENT project "Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments" took place in Leipzig. The UFZ Project Manager Prof. Dr. Kolditz from the Department of Environmental Informatics organized the conference, and the representatives of CAWR (UFZ # TUDD), the four SMEs (AMC, BBE, ITWH, WISUTEC) and OGS e.V. participated.
Each group presented the results of the Urban Catchment project achieved over the last year.
Mr. Helm and Mr. Wagner from TP-A (Urban Water Resources Management) gave presentations on the topics "Urban Monitoring and Data Preparation" and "Rainfall Simulation Shuanqiao River". After that, Mr. Li from the ITWH presented Chaohu City's canal network simulation, touching on topics such as data sources and use, problems and suggestions for solutions. Mr. Aubron presented the TP-B (Decentralized Wastewater Management) and reported on the latest results from the project entitled "Testing the concept of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Chaohu Catchment". Dr. Frassl and Mr. Rybicki (TP-C: Chaohu Lake) presented the results of the hydrodynamic modeling at Chao Lake as well as presenting the biomonitoring system. In addition, Dr. Frassl had installed a multi-sensor buoy on Chao Lake in March with colleagues from the partner institute NIGLAS. TP-D compiled the information on the environmental information system. Mr. Pohl, representative of the new WP-E (groundwater system), described the progress made in groundwater modeling in the catchment area of Chaohu Lake.
After the presentations, the difficulties during the project and plans for the future were discussed.


Successful installation of online data transmission from Chao Lake

Successful installation of online data transmission from Chao Lake


On March 22, a measuring buoy, provided through a cooperation between the UFZ and their partner Chinese institute NIGLAS, was successfully anchored on Chao Lake and began operation by two German companies, AMC and WISUTEC. The following figure shows the transmitted data while the buoy was being tested ashore at the NIGLAS Institute.
During the setup of our software, technical support was provided by our cooperating partner HCSystem who provides the server technology in Shanghai. On April 21, everything was in place, and using the deployed software AL.VIS/Timeseries, the measurement data was able to be collected and used by the Chinese buoy operators. The software SensoMaster, which transmits the measured data to the database server in a uniform protocol, is used for the data transmission from the buoy to the server and the software.
Currently, about 40 series of buoy measurements are being transmitted, and the addition of more sensors to the information system is planned for measurements in flowing waters. A start has been made on a standardized procedure, developed within this project, integrating online measuring technology into the environmental information system.

UC@CLIENT goes Africa

In February the University of the Free State at Bloemfontein hosted the African Water and Client Resilience Symposium 2017.


goAfrica2In February the University of the Free State at Bloemfontein hosted the African Water and Client Resilience Symposium 2017. Dr. Dirk Jungmann (Institute of Hydrobiology) and Dipl. Hydrol. Jörg Seegert (Institute of Urban Water Management) have been invited to present the latest results from the UC@CLIENT project entitled: High resolution monitoring for integrated assessment of water management impacts. To develop adaptation strategies to climate change a detailed knowledge of processes and implementation of adjusted early warning systems for water management are highly recommended in various rural and urban areas worldwide and esp. in South Africa as pointed out in several following discussions. Developing and implementing early warning systems for secure water supply is a challenge to many countries with water shortage and quality problems and requires knowledge and technology transfer between countries (UC@CLIENT China). Further presentations on this topic were given by other researchers form from TU Dresden e.g. Institute of Groundwater (Prof. Rudi Liedel), Institute of Water Chemistry (Dr. Hilmar Börnick) Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy (jun. Prof. Catalin Stefan) and from Institute of Hydrology (Dr. Jens Grundmann). Detailed discussion with researchers and SMEs was done afterwards at the Dean´s office. As these measures deliver also information for decision makers, goAfrica3Disaster Management Centres have been visited in Port Elizabeth, George and Cape Town, respectively, and opportunities to implement tools developed in UC@CLIENT for environmental monitoring were discussed. The current situation of integrated water management was practically demonstrated e.g. during a visit of the Gariep dam a major drinking water resource for Port Elisabeth. One outcome was the willingness of researcher from UFS to write a collaborative proposal on the announcement of the BMBF and the South African NSA on adaptation to climate change to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to the impacts. 

Funded by



  • 13.12.2017: MEP Hubei Minister LI in Saxony
  • 30.11.2017: UC-II Wuhan proposal submitted
  • 17.11.2017: MoU between IHB CAS and TUD signed
  • 21-25.07.2017: Tongji and HC Systems visiting UC more
  • 07.06.2017: China's Minister Counsellor for Science & Technology visiting UFZ
  • 23.05.2017: 2. Urban Catchments Statuskonferenz in Leipzig more
  • 15-19.05.2017: 3. Sino-German Workshop in Jiayuguang
  • 06-13.05.2017: SMUL delegation travel in China
  • 28.03-03.04.2017: Visiting CREAS and Tongji University
  • 15-20.03.2017: Magdeburgs Buoy to Chaohu


Project sheet
ChinaConcept 2016

OGS Tutorial books

Computational Hydrology I: Groundwater Flow Modeling
Hydrology II — in press

