Project Publications
Projektdatenblätter: Verbundprojekte der deutsch-chinesischen Megawasserkooperation
Scientific Publications
- Zhi, G., Chen, Y., Liao, Z., Walther, M., Yuan, X., (2016): Comprehensive assessment of eutrophication status based on Monte Carlo–triangular fuzzy numbers model: site study of Dongting Lake, Mid-South China. Environ. Earth Sci. 75: 1011. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5819-7
- Liao, Z., Zhi, G., Zhou, Y. et al. (2016): To analyze the Urban Water Pollution Discharge System using the tracking and tracing approach. Environ Earth Sci. 75: 1080. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5881-1
- Dohmann, M., Chen, C., Grambow, M., Kolditz, O., Krebs, P., Schmidt, K.R., Subklew, G., Tiehm, A., Wermter, P., Dai, X.H., Liao, Z.L., Meng, W., Song, Y.H., Yin, C., Zheng, B.H., (2016): German contributions to the Major Water Program in China: “Innovation Cluster–Major Water”. Environ. Earth Sci. 75 , art. 703
- Wang SR, Zheng BH, Chen C, Dohmann M, Kolditz O (2015): Thematic Issue: Water of the Erhai and Dianchi Lakes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(5): 3685-3688, DOI 10.1007/ s12665- 015-4727-6
- Xi BD, Su J, Sun YY, Huo SL, Zheng BH, Tiehm A, Kolditz O (2015): Thematic Issue: Water of the Taihu Lake. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(5): 3929-3934, DOI 10.1007/ s12665- 015-4732-9