09. Dec 2016, Shanghai-- The Sino- German Major Water Programme Conference
The Sino- German Major Water Programme Conference
The Sino-German Major Water Programme Conference took place in Shanghai on 9th December, 2016. The Conference was to ensure the implementation of technical cooperation projects and promote the greater achievements of the Sino-German cooperation.
As Chinese representatives, Dr. Chen Chuanghong, the Director General from Office of Major S&T Projects Most, and Mr Liu Zhiquan, the General Inspector and Deputy Director General from the Department of S&T and Standards, MEP gave opening talks. As German representative, MinDirig Wilfried Kraus, the BMBF Deputy Director General gave an opening speech. During the conference, Prof. MENG Wei, who is an Academician and the technical team leader of Major Water Projects, talked about the progress of Major Water Program and Suggestions for Sino-German Cooperation. Dr. Christian Alecke from BMBF Division Resources and Sustainability introduced BMBF CLIENT Programme. In addition to that, the topics about Major Water Program in 13th -5-year plan such as the german prospects for future cooperation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Tai lake Basin and system design for eutrophication control of Taihu lake, were also discussed.
In the afternoon Session, proposal for Major water projects of 13th Five-Year Plan based on existing projects and similar experiences were discussed., Prof. Dai Xiaohu from Tongji University talked about the progress of the Sino-German Major Water Programme. Prof. Kolditz from UFZ, together with Prof. Liao Zhenliang from Tongji University, gave presentations about recommendations for Monitoring, modeling, early warning programs and information systems.Prof. Andreas Tiehm together from German Water Centre, together with Chinese partner, introduced the recommendations for drinking water safety, treatment and distribution.
This conference was organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
23-27.Oct.2016, Tianjin, China-- Workshopand Research visiting program of DFG-NSFC Project: A Cooperation Group about “A modeling platform prototype for environmental system dynamics”
Participants of the 3rd Workshop of the Sino-German Cooperation Group in Tianjin (23-27.10.2016).
From 23-27.Oct.2016, the third Workshop and Research visiting program of DFG-NSFC Project: A Cooperation Group about “A modeling platform prototype for environmental system dynamics” took place in Tianjin, China. More than 30 participants from both Germany and China have attended the workshop. From the German side, UFZ, TU Dresden, Hochschule Weihenstephan, DLR are involved. From Chinese side, CAS, NIGLAS, Beijing Normal University, MRLDO-Office of the Mountain-River-Lake Development Committee of Jiangxi province, Jiangxi Normal University, Tschinghua University are involved. The workshop has been divided into two parts: the first part is the field trip and the second part is the symposium on the joint research topics. Four sessions are: Water resources, land cover and use, ecosystems and modeling platform prototype. Both sides have intensively discussed about the joint research proposals which would be submitted to DFG and NSFC in April 2017. The topics were identified and the Sino-German team for each proposal has been established.
18 Oct 2016, Beijing-- Helmholtz Association – Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Strategic Partnership – Moving Ahead Together” Scientific Symposium
The Delegation of the Helmholtz Association visits the Tongji University
On 21. October.2016, the delegation of the Helmholtz Association visited the Tongji University, in Shanghai.
In the first session about “Information and data science”, the president of Helmholtz association, Prof. Otmar D. Wiestler introduced the Helmholtz strategy on information & data science. The vice-president of Tongji University, Prof. Zhiqiang Wu gave a talk about the innovation strategy of the university. Several talks in the area of smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 were given by the Chinese colleagues from Tongji University. Afterwards, the potential cooperation between Helmholtz association and Tongji University were discussed.
Prof. Olaf Kolditz from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) showed a video about the visualization of the environmental information system in Chao Lake, which is their current China-German cooperation project in China, funded by German ministry of Eduation and Research (BMBF). On the second session about “Clean water program”, Prof. Xiaohu Dai, the Dean of College of Environmental Science and Engineering from Tongji University presented the Sino-German cooperation in Water Science, Technology and Education. Mrs. Nicole Umlauf, head of BMBF-Project “Clean Water” Office Shanghai, gave the talk about the BMBF water projects in China.
Prof. Olaf Kolditz and Prof. Zhenliang Liao from Tongji University gave a joint presentation about the BMBF CLIENT project “Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments - Chaohu”. At last, They emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation in the fields of water science, information technology and industry.
21. October.2016, Shanghai--Visiting of the Delegation of the Helmholtz Association to the Tongji University
Prof. Wieslter visits CAS-president Bai Chunli
On 18.Oct.2016, the Helmholtz Association – Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Strategic Partnership – Moving Ahead Together” Scientific Symposium took place in the institute of high energy physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing.
After the opening greetings from Prof. Otmar D.Wiestler, the president of Helmholtz association and Prof. Tieniu Tan, the vice-president of Chinese Academy of Sciences, both sides have given presentations about the past, ongoing projects and future strategies. The first part of the symposium is about the insight into the past and perspectives for the future. The vice-president of Helmholtz Association, Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt from Jülich Research Centre (FZJ) has presented their institute and its-cooperation with the institutes of CAS. Dr. Christian Haringa from German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) has talked about DESY’s cooperation with Chinese partners. Prof. Long Wei from the CAS institute of high energy physics talked about its cooperation with the Helmholtz association. For the second part of the symposium about Helmholtz-CAS joint research groups (HCJRG), Prof. Thomas Stöhlker from Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI) presented the experiments with stored highly-charged ions and Prof. Yu Wang from CAS Institute presented the new technology about the space-borne microwave remote sensing for natural hazard prevention and analysis. The last part of the symposium is about the strategic approach toward the future. Bilateral cooperation in the field of health and life sciences, and brain sciences are given by Prof. Dirk Heinz from the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and Prof. Simon eickhoff from FZJ, respectively, together with their Chinese partners. Prof. Olaf Kolditz from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) has presented the joint Sino-German Research Centre for Environmental Information Sciences (RCEIS) and its cooperation projects in China.
Prof. Wiestler summarized the results of the bilateral Strategic Symposium. In addition, he proposed that China and Germany should open bilateral research programs in the following fields, such as geo-and environmental sciences, brain research, health and life sciences, energy materials and energy storage technology so that the outstanding scientists can exchange ideas in order to achieve the win-win-based future-oriented strategic cooperation and the cooperation model should be guaranteed by joint research institutes.
Sino-German joint venture is taking off
Prof.Olaf Kolditz visited HC System in Shanghai
Prof. Olaf Kolditz visited EWaters partner companies in Shanghai
The Sino-German UC Company Consortium HC System/ EWaters # AMC/WISUTEC is going to establish a sustainable Sino-German cooperation on eves level (see also recent News on 04.07.2016).
On 13.07.2016, Prof. Olaf Kolditz visited both HC System and EWaters partner companies in Shanghai.
HC System, with more than 100 employees, is a growing expert for developing environmental system solutions in various areas. EWaters is a highly specialized consultant for water solutions planning based on their modeling expertise. Prof. Kolditz briefly reported about the progress of the “Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments” project in Chaohu and particularly emphasized the related “Environmental Information System”. However, comprehensive urban development includes much more than water resources and drinking water supply, i.e. domestic heating/cooling, energy supply … (City4.0). Virtual Information Systems (VIS) may play an essential role in this context – if professionally developed and deployed (Fig. right). Prof. Kolditz admired the professional working level and the “young and dynamic” Chinese teams – an excellent prerequisite for a long-term cooperation. Many things have to be sorted out carefully, of course – but there is a huge potential deserving to be leveraged. In a nutshell “We would be stupid not using this unique windows of opportunities …” (HC System CEO Jonathan FAN, EWaters CEO Chen DAI, Olaf Kolditz PI Urban Catchments).
Digital Earth Konferenz und Besuch bei CLMA
Abb. 2
Abb. 3
Am 07- 08.07.2016 fand der Digital Earth Summit in Beijing statt, der von der Chinesischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Institut für Fernerkundung und Erdbeobachtung) veranstaltet wurde.
Im Rahmen der Session „Virtual Geographical Environments“ (VGE) wurden das „Virtuelle Umweltinformationssystem - Chaohu“ sowie das Helmholtz-CAS Netzwerk „Research Centre for Environmental Information Science“ (RCEIS) vorgestellt. Die Einbettung von Umweltinformationssystemen in Virtuelle Realitäten ist von großem Interesse sowohl für wissenschaftliche Zwecke (z.B. Integration großer heterogener Datenmengen) als auch für Entscheidungsträger zur visuellen Unterstützung komplexer Planungsprozesse.
Im zweiten Teil der 3. UC-Reise in diesem Jahr haben Prof. Kolditz, Prof. LIAO, Prof. KUANG und Frau Umlauf die Chaohu Seebehörde am 12.07.2016 besucht (Vizedirektorin Frau TANG, Chaohu Lake Management Authority) und über den aktuellen Fortschritt des BMBF- CLIENT Vorhabens berichtet (Abb. 2 und Abb. 3). Auf dem Weg von Shanghai nach Chaohu wurde ein Halt in Wuxi gemacht. Das Wuxi New District Construction Bureau wurde über die Möglichkeiten von Umweltinformationssystemen unterrichtet. Auf dem Campus der TONGJI Universität wurde der Standort für die urbane Messstation besichtigt (Abb.4)
Firmengespräche AMC/WISUTEC und HC System/EWaters
Die deutschen Firmen AMC (http://www.amc-systeme.de) und WISUTEC (http://alvis.software) trafen sich am 04.07.2016 in Shanghai mit den chinesischen Firmen HC System (http://www. haocang.com) und Ewaters (http:// www.ewaters.biz) zur Abstimmung der Zusammenarbeit beim Aufbau eines Monitoringprogramms für die Stadt Chaohu.
In den erfolgreichen Gesprächen einigten sich die Partner auf eine gemeinsame, zukünftige Kooperation (Abb. 6). Die Firmen hatten zuvor am 13.06.2016 im Rahmen des 8. Forums für Wirtschaft- liche und Technologische Zusammen- arbeit in Beijing eine Kooperations- vereinbarung unterzeichnet mit dem Ziel zukünftig gemeinsam Umwelt- informationssysteme für chinesische Städte zu entwickeln und zu implementieren. Die Gespräche fanden in sehr konstruktiver Atmosphäre statt und dienten vor allem dazu sich gegenseitig über die eigenen Produktlinien zu informieren und Schnittstellen für mögliche gemeinsame Entwicklungen zu eruieren. Im Rahmen einer Ausschreibung der Asian Development Bank (ADB) will sich das chinesisch-deutsche Konsortium gemeinsam um ein Umweltdatenzentrum bewerben. Nach dem dienstlichen Teil gab es auch Zeit für einen Stadtbummel durch Shanghai (Abb. 7)
Urban Catchments: Sino-German SME Partnership
Figure caption: Frank Neubert (CEO AMC), Cui CHEN (UFZ), Olaf Kolditz (UFZ/TUDD), Jonathan FAN (CEO HC System), Nicole Umlauf (BMBF Project Office Clean Water), LIAO (Tongji University), Weijun ZHANG (GM EWaters), Jan Richter (CEO GEOS/WISUTEC), and NN (HC System) during the 8. German Chinese Forum on Economic and Technology Cooperation (from left to right)
The BMBF-CLIENT project “Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments” succeeded in building a first SME partnership.
In the context of the 4. Governmental Consultations between Germany and PR China on 13.06.2016 in Beijing, AMC and WISUTEC as well as HC System and EWaters signed a Memorandum-of-Understanding for future cooperation between the German and Chinese SMEs. Their major interest is in building a joint venture for future cooperation in developing environmental information technology (including both soft- and hardware solutions) for sensor-based monitoring of environmental systems (e.g. for water supply and waste water). The company representatives as well as from Prof. Kolditz (UFZ/TUDD) and Prof. LIAO (Tongji University) attended the 8. German Chinese Forum on Economic and Technology Cooperation hold at the same day and reported about ongoing projects in the Major-Water-Program as well as Sino-German cooperation concepts in future. The cooperation between research institution and companies – the so called “2+2 Concept” – shall foster research and development as well as implementation of novel environmental technologies.
Figure caption: Jonathan FAN (CEO HC System), Jan Richter (CEO GEOS/ WISUTEC), Dr. Frank Neubert (CEO AMC) and Weijun ZHANG (GM EWaters) (from left to right) after the Signing Ceremony
1. China Tour 2016 - 13-20.03: Shanghai -> Chaohu -> Wuhan -> Beijing
Foto: UFZ
More information see: http://sino-german-major-water.net/de/