
Project reports

The starting point of the project was marked by two shorter publications: An introductory report as well as a report (in German) that explictly adresses the business sector. In an integrative process between 2012 and 2016, authors from science, administration and the professional public worked on three topic-based reports. The first introductory report and summaries of the three main reports have been published in English.

You will find the full reports and further publications in German here: List of publications in German.

TEEB DE: Introduction

The Value of Nature for Economy and Society
An Introduction

TEEB DE: Climate report

Natural Capital and Climate Policy
Synergies and Conflicts

TEEB DE: Rural report

Ecoystem Services in Rural Areas
Basis of Human Well-being and Sustainable Economic Development

TEEB DE: City report

Ecosystem Services in the City
Protecting Health and Enhancing Quality of Life

TEEB DE: Synthesis

The Value of Nature for Economy and Society
A Synthesis of Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE