Who we are
EDA-EMERGE is a 4 year Marie Curie ITN project, funded by the European Commission within the 7th framework programme from October 2011 to September 2015.
The EDA-EMERGE network is coordinated by the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research and consits of ten full partners and four associated partners from academia, private companies, research centers and regulatory bodies from 8 European countries.
EDA-EMERGE aims to train a new generation of young scientists in the interdisciplinary techniques required to meet the major challenges in the monitoring, assessment and management of toxic pollution in European river basins. For the identification of toxicants in European surface and drinking waters, innovative biodiagnostic and analytical tools will be developed by individual research projects of 13 PHDs and one postdoc.
The early stage researchers will be supervised at Europe’s leading environmental research institutes and EDA-EMERGE will offer multi-disciplinary training and courses at private water companies and regulatory bodies, highlighted by the involvement of an EU wide monitoring and assessment program (European Demonstration Programme).
By integrating innovative biodiagnostic tools including in vitro tests, transgenic organisms and “omics” techniques with powerful fractionation and cutting edge analytical and computational structure elucidation tools, a new generation of effect directed analysis (EDA) approaches will be developed for the identification of emerging toxicants in European surface and drinking waters. Innovative method development by young researchers will be closely interlinked with a joint European demonstration program and higher tier EDA and extensive training courses. EDA-EMERGE fellows will learn to organize and run international and interdisciplinary sampling and monitoring campaigns and benefit from the links to industrial partners.
The following research work packages will be implemented within EDA-EMERGE:
- Bioanalytical Tools
- Chemical Tools
- Hyphenated Tools
- Simplified Protocol
- European Demonstration Programme
- Higher Tier EDA Study
The content of the EDA-EMERGE web pages reflects only the EDA-EMERGE consortium's views, and the European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.