Newsletter 01/2015
Jordan Water Project
The scientists of the new Belmont Forum project „Integrated Analysis of Freshwater Resources Sustainability in Jordan“ (JWP) started their research in the beginning of 2014. In the frame of the KickOff-Meeting in May 2014 in Jordan involved scientists met also the Secretary General of the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation and other ministry representatives. In December 2014 the JWP team presented interim project results at a Belmont Forum meeting with DFG and National Science Foundation (NSF) representatives and at the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco.
The objective of this partially DFG-funded project led by the Stanford University is to create a coupled hydrological and agent-based model to analyze sustainable water institutions. The project is an important connection of the thematic fields “Social and climate change” and “Water scarcity in the regional context” and represents a link for CAWR-activities within the topic of institutional research in future. More information here.
Education and Training
Approval Erasmus-Mundus „GroundwatCH“
A joint proposal of the TU Dresden, University of Lisbon and UNESCO-IHE within the Erasmus+ Joint Master Programme was approved. Thematically it focuses on “Groundwater and Global Change - Impacts and Adaptation (GroundwatCH)”. The two-year programme will start for the first time in September 2015. Students will kick off their studies in Lisbon, Portugal and then go to Delft, the Netherlands and Dresden, Germany, in order to deepen their knowledge. Graduates will receive MSc degrees from the three partnering institutes. The programme is contributing to the strategic development of the educational activities of the CAWR. More information here.
34th annual meeting of the German Society of Protozoology
The annual meeting of the German Society of Protozoology will take place from March 3rd–6th 2015. in Magdeburg. Protozoology focusses on single-celled organisms. Well-known species in this versatile group of organisms are pathogens (like the Malaria pathogen) but also a variety of beneficial species playing an important role in aquatic ecosystems. At the meeting priority is given to all facets of protozoa. Topics are the role and diversity of protozoa in ecosystems and how they react on different anthropogenic impacts. Scientists of the thematic field „Quality and dynamics of the water cycle“ are organising this meeting in 2015. More information and programme here.
ANTI-Resist closing event
The closing event of BMBF-project ANTI-Resist took place on January 14th/15th 2015 in Dresden. The project ANTI-Resist is a joint project within the BMBF funding measure "Risk Management of Emerging Compounds and Pathogens in the Water Cycle (RiSKWa)".
At the closing event project results were presented with regard to the investigation of the entry of antibiotics and the development of antibiotic resistances in the urban waste water of the city of Dresden. The obtained project results are contributing significantly to the research topics of the CAWR thematic field “Urban Water Resources Management (UWRM)”. Programme and results here.
Workshop “Sustainable Water Management and Ecosystem Restorations in Poyang Lake Basin"
From November 17 to 23, 2014, the Sino-German Symposium on “Sustainable Water Management and Ecosystem Restorations in Poyang Lake Basin” successfully took place in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China. 16 scientists from Germany (including CAWR scientists) and over 25 from the Chinese side have attended this symposium. The workshop was organized by RCEIS (Helmholtz-CAS Centre for Environmental Information Sciences) and funded by the Sino-German Centre for Science Promotion (DFG/NSFC).
IWAS Special Issue in Environmental Earth Sciences (EES)
The second IWAS Special Issue in Environmental Earth Sciences with the thematic issue „Integrated Water Resources Management under different hydrological, climatic and socio-economic conditions“ was published in December 2014. Download here.
Job Offer Coordination CAWR
CAWR seeks for a scientific coordinator at TU Dresden. More information here.