Foundation Ceremony of the "Center for Advanced Water Research"
The opening ceremony for the foundation of the Center for Advanced Water Research" (CAWR) took place on Tuesday, 08 October 2013 at Dülfersaal in the TU Dresden.
For many years UFZ and the TU Dresden have been successfully cooperating in the field of water, including joint national and international projects, teaching as well as the setup of the Water Science Alliance – the platform of the German water research community, the two institutions have decided to join their competences, which are unique in the breadth of contents covered, within the “Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR)”. The Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR) creates a collaborative basis of water research at UFZ and TU Dresden with over 500 researchers in the water sector at Dresden, Leipzig, Halle and Magdeburg. Through this connection between university and non-university research and hand in hand with key partners on water and sustainable development, the research institutions will provide their scientific expertise, jointly develop the curriculum strategy and enable a successful transfer of the expertise into practice, politics and society, nationally and internationally.