Ausgewählte gemeinsame Publikationen

A. Köhler, P.K. Yadav, R. Liedl, J.B. Shil, T. Grischek, P. Dietrich (2024). A data-driven approach for simplifying the estimation of time for contaminant plumes to reach their maximum extent. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 263, 104336. Doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2024.104336.

Z. Zhao, M. Reza Salehi Sadaghiani, W. Yang, P. Hua, J. Zhang, P. Krebs (2024). Estimating storm runoff extreme in small ungauged catchments using an integrated modeling approach. Sustainable Horizons 9, 100092;

T. Micheletti, M.-C. Wimmler, U. Berger, V. Grimm, E.J. McIntire (2024). Beyond guides, protocols and acronyms: Adoption of good modelling practices depends on challenging academia's status quo in ecology. Ecological Modelling 496, 110829.

M. Anand, R. Hamed, N. Linscheid, P. S. Silva, J. Andre, J. Zscheischler, F. K. Garry, A. Bastos (2024). Winter climate preconditioning of summer vegetation extremes in the Northern Hemisphere. Environmental Research Letters 19, 094045.

D. Rieker, K.Runnel, P. Baldrian, V. Brabcová, B. Hoppe, H. Kellner, J. Moll, T. Vojtěch, C. Bässler (2024). How to best detect threatened deadwood fungi – Comparing metabarcoding and fruit body surveys. Biological Conservation 296, 110696.

A. Raut, P. Ganguli, R. Kumar, B. S. Das, N. N. Reddy, T. Wöhling (2024). Streamflow drought onset and severity explained by non-linear responses between climate-catchment and land surface processes. Hydrological Processes, 38(7), e15245.

T. Václavík, M. Beckmann, M. Bednář, S. Brdar, G. Breckenridge, A. F. Cord, C. Domingo-Marimon, A. Gosal, F. Langerwisch, A. Paulus, S. Roilo, B.Šarapatka, G. Ziv, T. Čejka (2024). Farming system archetypes help explain the uptake of agri-environment practices in Europe. Environmental Research Letters 19, 074004.

G. Khurelbaatar, S.P., Ramos Rodriguez, T. Aubron, K.Z. Rahman, N. Khalil, M. van Afferden, M. Breulmann, J. Friesen, R.A. Müller (2024). Preliminary Planning and Optimization Approach for Wastewater Infrastructure for Regions with Low Data Availability. Water 16, 694.

N. Abdulkadir, J.P. Saraiva, J. Zhang, S. Stolte, O. Gillor, H. Harms, U. Rocha (2024). Genome-centric analyses of 165 metagenomes show that mobile genetic elements are crucial for the transmission of antimicrobial resistance genes to pathogens in activated sludge and wastewater. Microbiol. Spectr. 12:e02918-23.

P.K. Yadav, S.I. Ibrahim, R. Liedl, B.R. Chahar, T. Grischek (2023). Direct computation of critical plume quantities required for initial assessment of contaminated sites. Computers & Geosciences 172, 105299.

F. Eissenhauer, F. Grunicke, A. Wagner, D. Linke, D. Kneis, M. Weitere & T.U. Berendonk (2023). Active movement to coarse grained sediments by globally endangered freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera). Hydrobiologica 850, 985–999;

M. de la Cruz Barron, E. van Velzen, U. Klümper, M. Weitere, T. U. Berendonk & D. Kneis (2023). Shifts from cooperative to individual-based predation defense determine microbial predator-prey dynamics. The ISME Journal 17, 775–785;

Grunicke, F., Wagner, A., von Elert, E., Weitere, M. & Berendonk, T. (2023). Riparian detritus vs. stream detritus: food quality determines fitness of juveniles of the highly endangered freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera). Hydrobiologia 850, 729–746;

A. Chandrasekar, M. Binder, R. Liedl, T. Berendonk (2022). Determining the impact of flow velocities on reactive processes associated with Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2. Water Sci. Technol. 85(1): 485-495.

K. Weise, L. Winter, E. Fischer, D. Kneis, M. de la Cruz Barron, S. Kunze, T. U. Berendonk, D. Jungmann, U. Klümper, Z. Zech Xu (2022). Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Promote Bacterial Conjugative Plasmid Transfer. Microbiology Spectrum 10(2);

S. I. Ibrahim, P. K. Yadav, A. Dwiandani, R. Liedl, P. Dietrich (2022). An approach for quantification of the heterogeneity of DNAPL source zone geometries. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 251, 104096.

M. Binder, A. Hahnewald, F. Händel, H. Prommer, C. Engelmann, D. Burghardt, P. Stock, F. Tritschler, R. Liedl, M. Walther (2021). Single-Rate Dual-Domain Mass Transfer Model: Elucidating Temperature Effects. Water Resources Research 57(4), e2020WR029474.
Kalwa, F., Binder, M., Händel, F., Grüneberg, L., Liedl, R. (2021). Biological and Physical Clogging in Infiltration Wells: Effects of Well Diameter and Gravel Pack. Groundwater 59(6), 819-828;

A. Chandrasekar, M. Binder, R. Liedl, T. U Berendonk (2021). Reactive-transport modelling of Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 passage through water saturated sediment columns. J. Hazard. Mater. 5:413:125292.

R. Dumke, M. de la Cruz Barron, R. Oertel, B. Helm, R. Kallies, T. U. Berendonk, A. Dalpke (2021). Evaluation of Two Methods to Concentrate SARS-CoV-2 from Untreated Wastewater. Pathogens 10(2):195.

M. Brauns, T. Berendonk, S. Berg, F. Grunicke, D. Kneis, S. Krenek, T. Schiller, J. Schneider, A. Wagner, M. Weitere (2021). Stable isotopes reveal the importance of terrestrially derived resources for the diet of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(9), 2496-2505;

Reyes-Silva, J.D.; Frauches, A.C.N.B.; Rojas-Gómez, K.L.; Helm, B.; Krebs, P. (2021). Determination of Optimal Meshness of Sewer Network Based on a Cost—Benefit Analysis. Water 13, 1090.