Stats of S. grossum without dispersal in single habitats at the center of 107 climate cells in Schleswig-Holstein 0 11899

POF3 - T16 - EnergyLandUse - Ecoclimb - HiLEG Output Data
CSV file aggregated from output data generated by HiLEG simulation runs spatially stationary populations of the large marsh grasshopper in single habitats at the center of 107 climate cells in Schleswig-Holstein.
Data was used in
Leins J. A., Drechsler M. "Large scale PVA modelling of insects in cultivated grasslands: the role of dispersal in mitigating the effects of management schedules (postfix of filename) under climate change" (in preparation)

- global climate model ICHEC_EC_EARTH
- climate change scenarios rcp26, rcp45, rcp85
- one extensive mowing schedule M66 equal to schedule name M20+00+44 in manuscript
- 5 random seeds (#41 - #45)
- simulation time of 60 years (2020 - 2079)
- bilinear interpolation of climate values for local grassland cell climate

MEANING of columns in stats files are:
distSchemeName -> mowing schedule name
xCoord -> Cartesian x-coordinate of habitat
yCoord -> Cartesian y-coordinate of habitat
seed -> seed number used for replicate
year -> simulation year
lifetime -> lifetime in days
firstVisit -> day of first visit to a habitat
firstEst -> day of first population establishment
finalDensity -> population density [ind. per m^2] at the end of simulation year
nExtinction -> number of extinction events at habitat
nQuasiExtinction -> number of quasi extinction events at haitat
meanDensity -> mean population density [ind. per m^2] during simulation run at the end of simulation year
meanMigration -> net migration [ind. per m^2] during simulation year (does not apply for these simulations)
yearly_mortality_[Life_Stage] -> total Life Stage mortality [ind. per m^2] during simulation year
yearly_meanDensity_[Life_Stage] -> mean Life Stage density [ind. per m^2] during simulation year
yearly_lifetime_[Life_Stage] -> mean Life Stage occurrence time [days] during simulation year
yearly_peak_[Life_Stage] -> peak (max) Life Stage density [ind. per m^2] during simulation year
yearly_grossPeak_[Life_Stage] -> peak (max) Life Stage density [ind. per m^2] during simulation year in considering dispersal
yearly_gain_[Life_Stage] -> total Life Stage density gain [ind. per m^2] during simulation year
iLon -> Cartesian x-coordinate of the climate cell (in direction of longitude)
iLat -> Cartesian y-coordinate of the climate cell (in direction of latitude)
RCPscenario -> climate change scenario
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