Geocoded asset master data of on-shore wind power- , photovoltaic field systems , bioenergy- and river hydro power plants in Germany until 2015 0 5467

POF3 - Y11 - Renewable energy and material resources for sustainable futures - EE-Monitor
Information of renewable energy plants, particular their spatial distribution and key parameters like installed capacity, total size and required space are more and more important for public decision makers and scientific domains like energy system analysis and impact assessment. This holds true particular for the ongoing expansion of renewable energy technologies. This data set is covering the following attributes:

Renewable Energy Technology
Year -- Year of commissioning
Power_kW -- Installed plant power (nominal capacity) in kilowatt
Source -- Type of energy source (bioenergy plants)
Area_sqm -- Area size of open-field photovoltaic (operating area) in square meters
Hub_m -- Hub height in meters (wind turbines)
Dia_m -- Diameter of the rotor in meters (wind turbines)
X_coord -- Easting value (ETRS 1989)
Y_coord -- Northing value (ETRS 1989)
PS -- Information whether data has been edited or has an implausible performance

of wind turbines, photovoltaic field systems, bioenergy plants and river hydro power plants. The data have been individually collected, reworked, and merged. The data is provided as individual geo-data sets in shape-format (shp).
Zitiervorschlag (APA)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ. (2019). Geocoded asset master data of on-shore wind power- , photovoltaic field systems , bioenergy- and river hydro power plants in Germany until 2015 [Data set]. Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ.
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