WP 8: Co-ordination, synthesis & testing

Objectives for WP 8:

  • To co-ordinate the entire project
  • To manage the data bank
  • To pool and exploit knowledge in order to manage sites and define landscape carrying capacities across Europe for the 5 Maculinea species listed in the European RDB and Habitats' Directive, and for their ants, food plants and parasitoids (mainly based on results of WPs 4-7)
  • To exploit the role of Maculinea butterflies as indicators for biodiversity (mainly based on results of WP 2 & 3)
  • To exploit the role of Maculinea butterflies as tools for the management of biodiversity (mainly based on the results of WP 4 - 7)

At the end of the Project management tools and recommendations will be provided.

Protected biotope
Protected biotope with Maculinea nausithous (Sarah Gwillym)