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“Water Lives: new scientific horizons for biodiversity and water policy”

Preliminary programme

Day 1 - Wednesday 29 January 2014

10:00 Registration and coffee

Opening session

Chair: Martin Kernan (University College London - UCL)

10:30 Societal challenges in managing freshwater ecosystems
Klement Tockner (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries - IGB)
Presentation (2.2 MB)
10:45 Science and Policy: acting together to address societal challenges
Birgit de Boissezon (European Commission, DG RTD)

Session 1: Key Notes: Challenges from different perspectives

Chair: Martin Kernan (University College London - UCL)

11:00 Scientists and managers: the best of times and the worst of times
Brian Moss (University of Liverpool)
Presentation (6.5 MB)
11:30 Reporting flows: informing ecological and conservation status
Hans Bruyninckx (European Environmental Agency - EEA)
Presentation (821 KB)
12:00 Questions & Discussion
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

Session 2: Future visions for Freshwater Ecosystems (Inputs and moderated discussion)

Chair/Moderator: Paul Jepson (University of Oxford)

13:30 - 15:30 How to deal with multiple stressors to freshwater biodiversity in the future
Daniel Hering (University Duisburg-Essen)
Discussion: What are the implications of these findings for policy?
Presentation (2.8 MB)
  Research infra-structures: the case for integrating freshwater biodiversity data
Aaike de Wever Wever (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences RBINS)
Discussion: How can biodiversity datasets be more policy relevant?
Presentation (4 MB)
  Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas as a critical tool in the conservation of freshwater biodiversity: application to strengthen the Natura2000 network
William Darwall (IUCN)
Discussion: Do existing EC environmental policies safeguard freshwater biodiversity?
Presentation (2.4 MB)
  Impacts of climate change and land use on freshwater ecosystems
Piet Verdonschot (Alterra Research Institute)
Discussion: Is the Water Framework Directive prepared for global change?
Presentation (943.6 KB)
  Integrated catchment modelling as a tool for managing freshwaters under global change
Andrew Wade (University of Reading)
Discussion: Freshwater ecosystems change: can we predict the future?
Presentation (3.6 MB)
  The role of agri-environmental measures in achieving WFD compliance
Demetris Psaltopoulos (University of Patras)
Discussion: How can we better integrate policy to protect freshwaters?
Presentation (291.9 KB)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break

Session 3: Science- Policy Café & Poster session

Chair: Martin Kernan (University College London - UCL)

16:00 - 17:30 Science-Policy Dialogues:

1) Arguing for conservation and ecological status – how far brings us the ecosystem service approach?
Moderator: Timo Kaphengst (Ecologic Institute); Scientist: Isabell Durance (Cardiff University); Policy maker: Patrick Murphy (European Commission, DG ENV)

2) Does the food-water-energy-nexus provide the basis for integrating different policies to protect freshwaters?

3) Do we use the knowledge generated by EU projects efficiently and meaningfully for the implementation of environmental policies?
Moderator: Ana Cristina Cardoso (European Commission, DG JRC); Scientist: Josef Settele (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ); Policy Maker: Adrian Peres (European Commission, DG RTD)

4) Launch of the Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas
Moderator: Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber (BOKU - University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences)

5) Poster session

17:30 Wine reception
Speech: Richard Seeber (MEP, President of the EP Water Group)

End of Day 1

BioFresh (Co. 226874) and REFRESH (Co.244121) are funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme


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