Strategies for Sustainable Development in Megacities and Urban Agglomerations
A Helmholtz Research Initiative 2007 - 2011
Diploma theses
Martin Keil
Title: "Rising Motorization and its Effects on Mobility Behaviour in a Megacity – A case study for Santiago de Chile" (finished)
Institutions: Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich; German Aerospace Center
Fabian Klementz
Title: “Consequences of transport policies on the transport demand in Santiago de Chile” (finished)
Institutions: Free University Berlin; German Aerospace Center
Felix Hörmann
Title: "Mobility and Social Exclusion in Megacities. An explorative investigation with the example of Transmilenio in Bogotá, Colombia." (finished)
Institutions: Ludwig-Maximilian-University; German Aerospace Center
Kevin Hüfner
Title: „Gated Communities as housing settlement in dependence to the infrastructure in Santiago de Chile“ (finished)
Institutions: Helmholtz Centre for Enviromental Research; University of Leipzig
Master theses
Sofía Arancón Sánchez
Title: "Grounding Sustainable Development in Urban Planning: A Framework of Sustainability Indicators for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile" (finished)
Institution: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Nicole Seidl
Title: "Selection and Analysis of Sustainable Indicators for waste for Santiago de Chile" (finished)
Institutions: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); University Koblenz-Landau