Chaohu Lake Management Authority and Chinese Research Partner visit Germany

Urban Catchments Team

Participants of the 3st Chaohu Workshop in Leipzig (28.09.2015)

27.09-02.10.2015 Leipzig

BMBF CLIENT Urban Catchments "Lake Chaohu" Project - Chaohu Lake Management Authority and Chinese Research Partner visit Germany.

 Besuch von Vertretern der Chaohu-Seebehörde

Moon Festival

Delegation von Vertretern der Chaohu-Seebehörde besuchte den Projektpartner WISUTEC Umwelttechnik GmbH in Chemnitz

Am 29.09.2015 besuchte eine Delegation von Vertretern der Chaohu-Seebehörde den Projektpartner WISUTEC Umwelttechnik GmbH in Chemnitz.

Begleitet wurden sie von chinesischen Wissenschaftlern, welche am Projekt Urban Catchment beteiligt sind. Von den beiden in Chemnitz ansässigen Firmen WISUTEC Umwelttechnik GmbH und AMC wurden moderne Technologien des Datenmanagements für den Bereich der Wasserwirtschaft vorgestellt. Am Beispiel der Softwarelösungen AL.VIS und SensoMaster der beiden KMU‘s, welche in Deutschland im Einsatz sind, wurde demonstriert, wie ein künftiges durchgängiges Datenmanagement für den Chaohu-See konzipiert werden könnte.

Moon Festival

Lunar Eclipse (28.09.2015)

DFG-NNSF Sino-German Cooperation Group "Modelling Platform Prototype for Environmental System Dynamics - Poyang Lake Basin"

Sino-German Cooperation Group

Participants of the 1st Workshop of the Sino-German Cooperation Group

20-28.09.2015 in Leipzig/Dresden

The Sino-German Cooperation Group (SG-CG) held their first workshop in Germany. The Chinese participants are representing the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS-IGSNRR), the Mountain-River-Lake Development Committee of Jinangxi Province and the Beijing Normal University. From the German side UFZ, TU Dresden, TU Darmstadt, CAU Kiel, Hochschule Weihenstephan, DLR and KIT are involved.

During the workshop SG-CG sucessfully developed a proposal concept dealing with the System: Lake -Poyang. The envisaged project is dedicated to gain a better understanding of the system lake including the analysis of multiple (natural and antropgenic) stresses on aquatic ecosystems. The Poyang Lake Basin is selected as the case study for the proposal because of its unique dynamic nature due to seasonal changes of the water body (lake, river and wetlands). Moreover the Poyang Lake is a unique winter time refugium for many birds species.

The Sino-German Cooperation Group is funded by the National Science Foundations of Germany and China (DFG and NNSF of China) - the funding under grant GZ 1167 workshop is greatly acknowledged.

See also link to UFZ Telegraphs concerning the Poyang Lake Symposium in 2014 and the approval of the Cooperation Group proposal:

Funded by



  • 13.12.2017: MEP Hubei Minister LI in Saxony
  • 30.11.2017: UC-II Wuhan proposal submitted
  • 17.11.2017: MoU between IHB CAS and TUD signed
  • 21-25.07.2017: Tongji and HC Systems visiting UC more
  • 07.06.2017: China's Minister Counsellor for Science & Technology visiting UFZ
  • 23.05.2017: 2. Urban Catchments Statuskonferenz in Leipzig more
  • 15-19.05.2017: 3. Sino-German Workshop in Jiayuguang
  • 06-13.05.2017: SMUL delegation travel in China
  • 28.03-03.04.2017: Visiting CREAS and Tongji University
  • 15-20.03.2017: Magdeburgs Buoy to Chaohu


Project sheet
ChinaConcept 2016

OGS Tutorial books

Computational Hydrology I: Groundwater Flow Modeling
Hydrology II — in press

