Ritschel et al. (2018): WRR 0 5968

Department BOPHY
Ritschel, T.; Schlüter, S.; Köhne, J.M.; Vogel, H.-J.; Totsche, K.U. (2018). Efficient prediction of multi-domain flow and transport in hierarchically structured porous media. Water Resources Research.

Content and File Format:
The zip folder contains all data used to generate the results and figures of the manuscript and the source code of the model implemetation. Folders in the archive are structured as follows:
.\BTCs measured: ASCII text (*.txt) files containing the breakthrough curves measured during the experiments
.\BTCs modeled via Particle Tracking: ASCII text (*.txt) files containing breakthrough curves modeled with particle tracking
.\CT data: TIFF (*.tif) files containing the 3D data of the experimental columns segmented into solids (0) and pores (255) and derived maps (distance to solid, pore size, both 32-Bit floating point in millimeters)
.\Fields: RAW (*.dat) files containing 64-Bit floating point information on vector/scalar fields. Detailed information on dimensions is provided in each particluar subfolder as ASCII text file.
.\Histogram: ASCII text (*.txt) files containing histograms of modeling results.
.\Source Codes: ASCII text (*.txt) files containing the source code of the numerical implementation.
information on specific details of the data is found in subfolders as "description.txt"

File naming convention:
GB1 - Files and Folders corresponding to experimental Column I filled with solid glass beads
GB2 - Files and Folders corresponding to experimental Column II filled with solid glass beads
GBPP1 - Files and Folders corresponding to experimental Column III filled with solid glass beads and porous pellets
GBPP2 - Files and Folders corresponding to experimental Column IV filled with solid glass beads and porous pellets
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