Spatial distribution of overhead power lines and underground cables in Germany in 2016 0 5368

POF3 - Y11 - Renewable energy and material resources for sustainable futures - EE-Monitor
This dataset was generated as part of the ongoing research project “EE-Monitor - Monitoring of nature protection implications of the expansion of renewable energy in the power sector and the development of instruments for the mitigation of impacts on nature and the scenic value of the landscape”. This project was funded by the Federal Agency of Nature Protection and is processed by a consortium consisting of several Departments of two research institutes (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ and the Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum DBFZ) and three subcontractors (Bosch und Partner GmbH, Leipziger Institut für Energie and Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH). The main objectives of this project are the:
• Multi-temporal detection of the spatial distribution of energy generation and energy transport infrastructure (power plants of renewable energy (Wind, Solar, Bioenergy, Water) and transmission networks) and the identification of environmental and socio-technological conflicts related to them
• Derivation of appropriate indicators for monitoring the impact of past and future expansion of renewable energies
• Derivation of recommendations for policy and planning
To fulfill these objectives, spatial explicit data of the renewable electricity generation technology and electricity transmission infrastructure is needed. The dataset “Spatial distribution of overhead power lines and underground cables in Germany in 2016” published here is a first of two related dataset, containing the routs of overhead powerlines and underground cables of three different voltage levels. The second dataset will contain the locations and attribute data of wind turbines, open space photovoltaic plants, bioenergy- and river hydro power plants.

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