Protecting Water Resources from Mobile Trace Chemicals - PROMOTE
a Water JPI project

Welcome to PROMOTE


Protecting Water Resources from Mobile Trace Chemicals (PROMOTE) is a research project under the European Union Joint Programming Initiative “Water Challenges for a Changing World” (Water JPI).

PROMOTE is one of seven approved projects following the 2013 Water JPI Pilot Call on emerging contaminants. Seven partners and seven associated partners from five European countries form the consortium. The project runs from 2015 to 2017 and is funded through the national research councils Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany), Forskningsrådet (Norway), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain), and Office National de l'Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques (France).

Highly polar and persistent organic micropollutants (persistent and mobile organic chemicals, PMOC) occurring in groundwater and surface water are of specific concern for drinking water production, since they break through natural and technical barriers. Additionally, PMOC are very challenging to analyze. Therefore, knowledge about the occurrence of PMOC in water cycles is scarce, which presents a threat for the protection of drinking water resources. PROMOTE focuses on PMOC and aims at closing the significant knowledge gaps with respect to: (a) trace analytical methods for screening and quantitative determination of PMOC in groundwater and surface water, (b) occurrence and levels of PMOC in source water used for drinking water production, (c) environmental emissions, (d) clean-up strategies in the drinking water production. Based on the expected results, PROMOTE strives to develop recommendations with respect to chemical regulation (REACH) and water quality monitoring (WFD watch list).



Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
University of Amsterdam
National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS - University of Poitiers
Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
Federal Environment Agency
University of Santiago de Compostela

 Associated partners

SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH
Hessenwasser GmbH & Co KG
Hessian Agency for the Environment and Geology
Augas de Galicia
APPLUS Norcontrol SLU
Eau de Paris
KWR Watercycle Research Institute