LC2 - Statistic Course

Course description:

The course focused on practical experience with statistical analysis of ecotoxicological data. The participants learned to effectively use R for their work including data documentation, exploratory analysis, statistical tests and data visualization. The course provided knowledge on the most important statistical approaches in ecotoxicology such as: NOEC/LOEC, linear regression, non-linear regression including dose-response analysis, ANOVA models, species sensitivity distributions (SSD) and multivariate statistics (classification, ordination, principal response curve).

Agenda & Content LC2 - Statistic


28 October 2014


The course took place at RWTH Aachen, Institute for Environmental Research, Aachen, Germany.

Organized by Dr. Richard Ottermanns, Jonas Hausen, Benjamin Daniels (RWTH Aachen).


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Marie Curie ITN EU-FP7 project