Welcome to the ClimateAdaptationSantiago (CAS) project web site!

The project is supported by the International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
(Duration: 12/2009–11/2012)
Today there is a growing consensus that climate change is inevitable. This phenomenon leads to, among other things, an increase in annual median temperatures that result, for example, in a decrease of glacier surface areas. Latin America is no exception, and the Metropolitan Region (RM) of Santiago de Chile, which is an urban agglomeration with more than six million inhabitants, is affected by climate change. Due to the high demand for resources and the concentration of economic power and functional systems in the region, the elaboration of suitable climate change adaptive measures is an important challenge.
Therefore, the main objective of the project is the development of climate change adaptation measures for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile in the most highly affected sectors: energy, water, and land use.
The CAS project seeks to provide answers to questions such as:
- What are the principal climatic changes expected in the RM?
- What are the consequences of these changes for the RM?
- What risks and vulnerabilities of the region and its inhabitants are related to the consequences of climate change in the RM?
In the project, scientists from two research centers within the Helmholtz Association are working in close collaboration with partners in Latin America. Based on a participatory process that includes local and regional actors, the project will contribute to the development of competences and capacities for the partners involved.
The CAS project is coordinated by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ.
For further information regarding the International Climate Initiative (IKI):
The CAS project is an official project of the UN Decade “Education for Sustainable Development”, 2005-2014. (...read more...)