
Climate change adaptation options in Santiago de Chile and other Latin American megacities
- Urban vulnerability on local level –

A German-Chilean International Research Group

The main aim of this International Research Group is to gain further insights to the vulnerabilities of individuals and the adaptive capacity of municipalities in Latin American megacities with regard to the impacts of climate related hazards in order to come up with context-specific adaptation options. By focusing on urban vulnerability, growing cities, and adaptation strategies to climate change the research group contributes to the research at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, especially the current and future work of the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology (SUSOZ).

Helmholtz International Research Groups are a new funding instrument of the Helmholtz Association to strengthen scientific collaboration between Helmholtz Centres and research institutions abroad. Furthermore, they especially aim at giving young researchers the chance to increase their experience of international projects. Thereby, this German-Chilean Research Group is funded jointly by the 'Initiative and Networking Fund' of the Helmholtz-Association (Germany) and the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research - CONICYT (Chile) for a three year period (04/2013–03/2016).

This research group is a cooperation of scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago de Chile.