Internationale WasserforschungsAllianz Sachsen

Regionalvorhaben Zentralasien (Mongolei) - Konferenzbeiträge

Dombrowsky I., Horlemann, L., (accepted): Governance structures for river basin management – A Mongolian case. 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), 10 -14 Jan. 2011, Hyderabad.

Hartwig, M., Borchardt, D. (2010): Towards a coupled hydro-ecological catchment modeling approach Pt.2: water quality model. EGU General Assembly, 2-7 May 2010, Vienna.

Horlemann, L., Dombrowsky, I. (accepted): Institutionalizing IWRM in Developing and Transition Countries – The Case of Mongolia. 2010 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 8-9 Oct 2010, Berlin.

Horlemann, L., Dombrowsky. I. (accepted): Introducing IWRM in Developing and Transition Countries – The Case of Mongolia. 2010 Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), 22-25 Aug. 2010, Oldenburg.

Horlemann, L., Dombrowsky, I., Görg, C. (accepted): Institutionalizing IWRM in Transition Countries – The Case of Mongolia. Scaling and Governance Conference 2010 “Towards a new knowledge for scale sensitive governance of complex systems”, 10-12 Nov 2010, Wageningen.

Schaeffer, M., Saulyegul, A., Ibisch, R.B., Borchardt, D. (2010): Aquatic invertebrates as indicators for land use impacts in running waters: the Kharaa River case study. 1st International Conference: Survey of Mongolian Aquatic Ecosystems in a changing climate (ICMAE), 7-10 April 2010, Ulaanbaatar.

Sigel, K. (accepted): Household demand for improved environmental sanitation services in peri-urban ger settlements: A case study of Darkhan, Mongolia. 2010 Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), 22-25 Aug. 2010, Oldenburg.

Sigel, K. (accepted): Environmental sanitation planning in peri-urban ger areas: A case study of Darkhan, Mongolia. Network for Transdisciplinary Research, 15-17 Sept. 2010, Genf.

Sigel, K. (accepted): Household demand for improved environmental sanitation services in peri-urban ger settlements: A case study of Darkhan, Mongolia. Stockholm World Water Week, 5-11 Sept. 2010, Stockholm.

Sigel, K. (accepted): Household demand for improved environmental sanitation services in peri-urban ger settlements: A case study of Darkhan, Mongolia. IWRM Karlsruhe, 24-25 Nov. 2010, Karlsruhe.

Theuring, P., Rode, M. (2010): Analysis of suspended sediment transport in a mesoscale catchment in northern Mongolia. EGU General Assembly, 2-7 May 2010, Vienna.


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