L E I P Z I G H A L L E M AG D E B U R G Centre for Environmental Research FACTS AND FIGURES Locations Leipzig / 04318 / Permoserstraße 15 / Germany Halle / 06120 / Theodor- Lieser- Straße 4 / Germany Magdeburg / 39114 / Brückstraße 3a / Germany Foundation December 1991 Employees ca. 1200 (incl. approx. 280 PhD students) Funding ca. 100 million Euro / year (Core funding, third - party funds and research contracts) Core funding 90 % Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 5 % The Free State of Saxony 5 % The State of Saxony - Anhalt www.ufz.de IMPRINT Editor Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Permoserstraße 15 · 04318 Leipzig · Germany Phone +49/341 / 235 -1269 · info@ufz.de · www.ufz.de Concept, text and editing Doris Wolst / Press and Public Relations Picture credits Kletr – Fotolia (Front) | André Künzelmann, UFZ (pp. 2/3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33) Anton Balazh – Fotolia (pp. 4/5) | ermess – Fotolia (p. 16) Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ (p. 19) | Karsten Rink, UFZ (p. 25) eyetronic – Fotolia (p. 28) | DLR / Novatec Solar, UFZ, HZI, NASA / 2Explore, DESY, 3dkombinat – Fotolia (p. 34) PUNCTUM / Bertram Kober (p. 36) Layout ARTKOLCHOSE GmbH – Die Markenagentur Leipzig / updated April 2023 Graphics by dieaktivisten.de (S. 6) | Artkolchose – source: Tomás Václavìk, UFZ (p. 10) | Artkolchose – source: Wikipedia (p. 14) | Artkolchose – source: European Environment Agency, EEA / 2015 (p. 18) | noonox media (pp. 22/23) | www.ufz.de/duerremonitor (p. 26) | Artkolchose – source: Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE (2012): Der Wert der Natur für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft – Eine Einführung (p. 31) English Translation Sarah Gwillym - Margianto info@der-fachuebersetzer.com Printing Merkur Leipzig For reasons of sustainability, only a small new edition of the UFZ Strategy 2025+ brochure was printed. It is available online as an e-paper and for download: www.ufz.de/imagebroschuere Printed on Maximat Prime from 100 % recycled paper with the FSC and the EU Eco - label