Teamfoto (© Michael Bader)
fLTR: Sophia Zorell, Anne Mazuga, Janine von Hirschheydt


Dr. Anne Mazuga
Phone +49 341 - 6025 2235

Anne studied philosophy and is a trained systemic consultant (DGSF). She is head of the Career Center and advises in individual, confidential talks on all questions concerning career orientation and career development.

Sophia Zorell
Phone +49 341 - 6025 2444

Sophia Zorell studied culture and economics, worked at the University of Duisburg-Essen and at Stiftung Mercator in Essen. At the Career Center, she is responsible for coordinating processes, projects and events.

Janine von Hirschheydt
Phone +49 341 - 6025 2451

Janine von Hirschheydt studied teaching at secondary schools and worked as an administrative process officer at the German Biomass Research Center DBFZ. At the Career Center, she is responsible for general and administrative tasks. She also supports the planning and implementation of Career Center events.