hr (ARD) alle wetter! - 29.11.2024
"Everyone has heard that plastic pollution is a major problem on our planet. But today we talk to our studio guest about the fact that plastic also has a direct impact on our climate."
(hr - alle wetter!)
Dr. Christian Schmidt about the impact of plastic of the climate (Minute 07:38) - Watch the Video (German only)
MDR Umschau - 05.03.2024
After years of drought in Germany: What are the current groundwater levels?
"In the summer of 2023, farmers had to fear for their harvest. [...] There was a groundwater drought in many places in Germany. The water level had been falling since 2018.[...] The water situation has normalized overall. Will it stay that way when the summer gets dry again? Can gardeners and farmers breathe a sigh of relief?"
(MDR Umschau)
„MDR Umschau“ at Web
Professor Jan Fleckenstein about groundwater levels in 2024 (Minute 03:35) - Watch the Video (German only)
Ledesma, J.L.J., Musolff, A., Sponseller, R., Lupon, A., Peñarroya, X., Jativa, C., Bernal, S. (2025):
The Riparian Zone controls headwater hydrology and biogeochemistry, doesn't It? Reassessing linkages across European ecoregions
Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles
Basso, S., Musolff, A., de Wit, H.A. (2025):
More frequent runoff and connected sources in headwaters promote browning of northern freshwaters
Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.
Nguyen, V.T., Tran, V.N., Tran, H., Van Binh, D., Duong, T.D., Dang, T.D., Ebeling, P. (2025):
HydroEcoLSTM: A Python package with graphical user interface for hydro-ecological modeling with long short-term memory neural network
Ecol. Inform.
Yang, J., Wang, Q., Heidbüchel, I., Xu, T., Lu, C. (2025):
Cut-off walls alter nitrogen loads and fluxes in small islands
J. Hydrol.
Ahmadi, P., Dichgans, F., Jagau, J., Schmidt, C., Aizinger, V., Gilfedder, B.S., Fleckenstein, J.H. (2024):
Systematic CFD-based evaluation of physical factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of microplastic particles in lakes
Sci. Total Environ.
Jette Wüst
Tel.: +49 341 6025 1253
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