
Jianqi Yuan

Mail: Jianqi Yuan

Research Group:

Systems Biotechnology

since 11/2021

PhD Student, Department Solar Materials, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig

2018 - 2021

M. Sc. Environmental Engineering
South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China

2013 - 2017

B. Sc. Bioengineering
South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China


  • Jianqi Yuan, H. Yuan, S. Huang, L. Liu, F. Fu, Y. Zhang, F. Cheng, J. Li (2021)
    Title:"Comprehensive performance, bacterial community structure of single chamber microbial fuel cell affected by COD/N ratio and physiological stratification in cathode biofilm."
    Bioresource Technology 2021, 320, 124416

  • Jianqi Yuan, S. Huang, H. Yuan, F. Fu, Y. Zhang (2021)
    Title: "Effects of chloramphenicol on the bacterial community structure and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification performance in a sequencing biofilm batch reactor"
    Journal of Water Process Engineering , 2021, 42, 102095

  • H. Yuan, Jianqi Yuan, Y. You, B. Zhang, Y. Wu, S.Huang, Y. Zhang (2021)
    Title: "Simultaneous ammonium and sulfate biotransformation driven by aeration: Nitrogen/sulfur metabolism and metagenome based microbial ecology"
    The science of the total environment, 2021, 794,148650


  • C. Sun, Jianqi Yuan, H. Xu, S. Huang, N. Tong, X. Wen, Y. Zhang
    Title: "Simultaneous removal of nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide in a biofilter under micro oxygen thermophilic conditions: Removal performance, competitive relationship and bacterial community structure."
    Bioresource Technology, 2019, 290, 121768

  • N. Tong, Jianqi Yuan, H. Xu, S. Huang, C. Sun, X. Wen, Y. Zhang
    Title: "Effects of 2,4,6 trichlorophenol on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification: Performance, possible degradation pathway and bacterial community structure."
    Bioresource Technology, 2019, 290, 121757