skyworkers sitting on a scaffold
Photo: A. Lesnitzky auf Pixabay

Social insurances in Germany

With regards to insurance, it is important to differenciate between social insurance and optional private insurances. Some forms of social insurance are also available as optional insurance schemes, as these are not always compulsory. Especially health insurance, pension insurance, accident insurance and long-term care insurance are also offered as private insurance policies. Social security covers in Germany health insurance, pension schemes, unemployment benefit. These insurances are automatically withdrawed from your monthly salary

Social insurance is usually mandatory for all employees in Germany. Therefore, reserachers who are employed in Germany via an employment contract take part in the full German social security system. Researchers on a fellowship are generally exempt from the obligation to pay contributions to the German social security system. However, they normally have to be insured in a private health insurance scheme.

On the webpage of the research network EURAXESS you find  detailed explanations concerning all sorts of insurances in Germany.