Completed Projects

listed according to date of completion (most recent at top)

IGLU graphic

IGLU – Untersuchung, Modellierung und Bewertung eines intelligenten geothermischen Langzeitwärmespeichers mit umweltneutralem Verhalten
(Research, modelling and assessment of an intelligent long-term geothermal storage with neutral environmental properties)

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Urban Catchments - Managing water resources for urban catchmens

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RCEIS logo

RCEIS - Helmholtz-CAS Research Centre for Environmental Information Science

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SAGS image

SAGS - Entwicklung von Methoden zur standortoptimierten geotechnischen Auslegung großflächiger Geothermiesysteme
(Development of methods towards site-optimized geotechnical design of expansive geothermal systems)

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ANGUS+ logo

ANGUS+ - Auswirkungen der Nutzung des geologischen Untergrundes als thermischer, elektrischer oder stofflicher Speicher -- Dimensionierung, Risikoanalyse und Auswirkungsprognosen
(Effects of the use of the geologic subsurface as thermal, electrical, or material storage)

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EU-China logo

SUSTAIN H2O - Demonstration of pollution discharge management for water quality improvement in the Songhuajiang-Liaohe River Basin

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NUMTHECHSTORE - Numerical modeliing of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupled processes in thermochemical heat storage systems of current and future generations

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Geological CO2 Storage -Diverse projects

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ANGUS II - Auswirkungen der Nutzung des geologischen Untergrundes als thermischer, elektrischer oder stofflicher Speicher – Integration unterirdischer Speichertechnologien in die Energiesystemtransformation am Beispiel des Modellgebietes Schleswig-Holstein

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decovalex logo

DECOVALEX - Development of coupled models and their validation against experiments

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GEMex - Europe-Mexico cooperation in geothermal energy for the development of enhanced geothermal systems and superhot geothermal systems

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