Economics of the Environment - water resources, energy, biodiversity, climate change

Department of Economics

News & Highlights

Dr. Julian Massenberg receives the Kapp Research Award for Ecological Economics and joins the Board of the VÖÖ

Vorstand der VÖÖ
Vorstand der VÖÖ

Dr. Julian Massenberg was awarded the Kapp Research Award for Ecological Economics 2022 at the annual meeting of the German Society for Ecological Economics (VÖÖ). This prize is awarded by the VÖÖ together with the Selbach Environmental Foundation and the anstiftung Foundation. It honours young researchers in the field of ecological economics. Julian Massenberg received the award for his dissertation "Identifying social values of ecosystem services - Theoretical and empirical investigations" which addressed the question which opportunities the identification and recognition of social preferences, values and ends offers for understanding and supporting the societal transformation towards sustainability. In doing so, he has contributed to the advancement of economic environmental valuation. In addition, Julian Massenberg was elected as Board member of the VÖÖ for two years.

Photo from left to right: Dr. Julian Massenberg (Advisory Board), Erik Sparn-Wolf (Chair), Ulrike Danier (Secretary), Prof. Dr. André Reichel (Chair), Julian Willming (Treasurer). Not on the picture are the assessors Ute Kratzmeier and Merlin Rutz.

Negative emissions − controversial instruments of climate policy

Word cloud negative emissionen; picture by S. Walter-Pantzer

In order to achieve the Paris climate goals, mankind must massively reduce its emission of greenhouse gases. In addition, the need for so-called "negative emissions technologies" is being discussed. A team of authors from UFZ has investigated the legal and economic role these technologies play in international climate policy.

UFZ Study on legal and economic aspects of negative emissions technologies

Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships: Conference documentation is now accessible online


How do we want to live in the future? How will we want to reside, move and conduct business? These questions were debated during the URP2020 Conference with the title "Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships". It took place on 26/27 November 2020, with over 450 participants from close to 50 different countries. Please find the documentation and a current call for two special issues here:

URP2020: Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships

UFZ economist Prof. Dr. Bernd Hansjürgens in portrait

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Prof. Dr. Bernd Hansjürgens explains his research on natural capital and the difficulties in this field − to what extent can the achievements of nature be expressed in monetary units and where are the limits?

Energy Landuse − UFZ video online

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With the switch to a CO2-free energy supply in Germany, new conflicts arise between the economy, the environment and society. Scientists from the UFZ monitor this conversation process and pass valuable recommendations. A new video gives an overview.