Working group Aquifer Biogeochemistry

Specific Projects

General UFZ research

Within the current Helmholtz Programme „Terrestrial Environment“, we contribute to the following Integrated Projects (IPs):

Sustainable Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (SusBioTech)
Controlling Chemicals’ Fate

Syntrophic benzene degradation

Since 2006, we investigate the anaerobic degradation of benzene at the UFZ field site Zeitz, in cooperation with Holger Weiß and the Departments Environmental Microbiology (Sabine Kleinsteuber, Ulisses Nunes da Rocha), and Proteomics (Nico Jehmlich).

2-Dimensional Isotope Fractionation

A major long-term goal of the research regarding hydrocarbon biodegradation is to set up a database for carbon and hydrogen stable isotope fractionation factors, which might be used to classify distinct hydrocarbon activating biochemical reactions and hence track those reactions in the environment.

Third Party Funding

Mikrodüngung (funded by Landesanstalt für Altlastenfreistellung, LAF)

Duration: until end of 2019
Stimulation of hydrocarbon degradation in the vadose zone by addition of macro- and micronutrients. Joint projects with the Department of Environmental Informatics (Holger Weiß, Ralf Trabitzsch).

ANGUS II (funded by BMWi)

Duration: 2017-2020
more infos: ANGUS II

TestUM-Aquifer (funded by BMBF)

Duration: 2017-2020
more infos: TestUM-Aquifer

H2-UGS (funded by BMBF)

Duration: 2019-2021
more infos: