Özgür Ozan Şen
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstrasse 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: +49 341 6025259
Email: oezguer-ozan.sen@ufz.de
Research Software Engineering and Visualization
Data Integration and Visualisation Group
Research Interests
- Game Technologies
- Virtual Reality
- Geoscientific Data Visualization
- Computer Graphics
- Unity Development
- Unreal Engine Development
2024 (2)
- Graebling, N., Althaus, M., Şen, Ö.O., Reimann, T., Cajuhi, T., Scheuermann, G., Kolditz, O., Rink, K. (2024):
“Feels like an Indie Game” – Evaluation of a virtual field trip prototype on radioactive waste management research for university education
IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 44 (1), 13 - 24 10.1109/MCG.2023.3328169 - Lehmann, C., Bilke, L., Buchwald, J., Graebling, N., Grunwald, N., Heinze, J., Meisel, T., Lu, R., Naumov, D., Rink, K., Sen, Ö.O., Selzer, P., Shao, H., Wang, W., Zill, F., Nagel, T., Kolditz, O. (2024):
OpenWorkFlow — Development of an open-source synthesis-platform for safety investigations in the site selection process
Grundwasser 29 (1), 31 - 47 10.1007/s00767-024-00566-9
2023 (2)
- Şen, Ö.O., Backhaus, L., Farrokhzadeh, S., Graebling, N., Guemar, S., Kiszkurno, F.K., Krebs, P., Novoa, D., Stamm, J., Kolditz, O., Rink, K. (2023):
A visual-scenario-based environmental analysis approach to the model-based management of water extremes in urban regions
In: Dutta, S., Feige, K., Rink, K., Zeckzer, D. (eds.)
Proceedings of Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis) (2023)
The Eurographics Association, Geneva, p. 51 - 60 10.2312/envirvis.20231106 - Helbig, C., Pößneck, J., Hertel, D., Sen, Ö.O. (2023):
Potential of 3D visualisation and VR as boundary object for redesigning green infrastructure - a case study
In: Dutta, S., Feige, K., Rink, K., Zeckzer, D. (eds.)
Proceedings of Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis) (2023)
The Eurographics Association, Geneva, p. 41 - 49 10.2312/envirvis.20231105
2022 (4)
- Graebling, N., Şen, Ö.O., Bilke, L., Cajuhi, T., Naumov, D., Wang, W., Ziefle, G., Jaeggi, D., Maßmann, J., Scheuermann, G., Kolditz, O., Rink, K. (2022):
Prototype of a Virtual Experiment Information System for the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory
Front. Earth Sci. 10 , art. 946627 10.3389/feart.2022.946627 - Helbig, C., Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Mohamdeen, A., Şen, Ö.O., Schlink, U. (2022):
A game engine based application for visualising and analysing environmental spatiotemporal mobile sensor data in an urban context
Front. Environ. Sci. 19 , art. 952725 10.3389/fenvs.2022.952725 - Rink, K., Şen, Ö.O., Hannemann, M., Ködel, U., Nixdorf, E., Weber, U., Werban, U., Schrön, M., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O. (2022):
An environmental exploration system for visual scenario analysis of regional hydro-meteorological systems
Comput. Graph. 103 , 192 - 200 10.1016/j.cag.2022.02.009 - Rink, K., Şen, Ö.O., Schwanebeck, M., Hartmann, T., Gasanzade, F., Nordbeck, J., Bauer, S., Kolditz, O. (2022):
An environmental information system for the exploration of energy systems
Geotherm. Energy 10 , art. 4 10.1186/s40517-022-00215-5
2021 (2)
- Canbolat, S., Şen, Ö.O., Ozsoy, A. (2021):
Blockchain track and trace system (BTTS) for pharmaceutical supply chain
In: Patnaik, S., Wang, T.-S., Shen, T., Panigrahi, S.K. (eds.)
Blockchain technology and innovations in business processes
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 219
Springer Nature, Singapore, p. 227 - 237 10.1007/978-981-33-6470-7_13 - Rink, K., Şen, Ö.O., Hannemann, M., Ködel, U., Nixdorf, E., Weber, U., Werban, U., Schrön, M., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O. (2021):
A virtual geographic environment for the exploration of hydro-meteorological extremes
In: Dutta, S., Feige, K., Rink, K., Zeckzer, D. (eds.)
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)
The Eurographics Association, Geneva, p. 51 - 59 10.2312/envirvis.20211084