Nico Graebling

Nico Graebling is part of the Research Software Engineering and Visualization Team in the Department of Environmental Informatics. He has been working at the UFZ since 2021.


M. Sc. Nico Graebling
Research Assistant

Department of Environmental Informatics
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig

Nico Graebling

Research Interests

  • Immersive Science Communication
  • Geoscientific Visualisation

  • Interaction and UI Design
  • Virtual Reality

Scientific Career

Nico Graebling studied Computer Science at the University of Leipzig. He graduated as Master of Science in 2018. The focus of his academic studies has been visualisation and computer graphics. Working in the Image and Signal Processing Group of Leipzig University as a research assistant Nico Graebling specialised in Augmented and Virtual Reality systems. He started in 2021 at the UFZ in the Department of Environmental Informatics as a research assistant. There, Nico Graebling develops interactive 3D visualisations in Unity for example for the Mont Terri project.


Virtual Reality Experiment for Science Communication about the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Partners: Swisstopo, BGR, Leipzig University

Monitoring equipment and Data Treatment for Safe repository operation and staged closure
In the EU Project "European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management" (EURAD)

Research accompanying the site selection of the German radioactive waste repository
Partner: TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Funding: Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE)

VR-A Experiment
Ongoing visualisation experiment in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory



See Nico Graebling's ORCID-Profile