Do-It doctoral representatives
Welcome to our corner of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) intranet. This page is intended to give you a brief overview of the role of the UFZ doctoral student representatives, the team, ongoing activities of do-it, and important links to support you in your doctoral studies.
Who are we?
Around 350 doctoral students are currently employed as research assistants or fellows at the UFZ sites in Magdeburg, Halle, and Leipzig. The research topics cover a broad spectrum of the natural and social sciences. Do-it is a group of volunteers who represent the concerns and interests of doctoral students at the UFZ. We try to improve working conditions, access to psychological help in case of stress, and the integration of international PhD students.

What do we do?
We represent the interests and needs of all PhD students at the UFZ to the administration, the scientific-technical council, and the works council. Moreover, within the Helmholtz Association, we are connected with the doctoral representations of the 19 Helmholtz Centres as Helmholtz Juniors. As Helmholtz Juniors we formed N² - the network of networks - together with the Max Planck PhDnet and the Leibniz PhDnetwork.

Helmholtz Juniors and N2
- In the Helmholtz Association, we are associated as Helmholtz Juniors (Heju) with the PhD representatives of the 19 Helmholtz Centres. Here we represent about 8,000 doctoral students. Since 2008, we have been surveying our doctoral students about their working conditions, contracts, pay, supervision, integration, and satisfaction.
- As Helmholtz juniors, we founded N² - the network of networks - together with the Max Planck PhDnet and the Leibniz PhDnetwork. Together, we speak for more than 15,000 PhD students.