Press archive

12. December 2024
No agreement, but a step forward

11. December 2024
Ecologist Stan Harpole and the team of bioenergy expert Daniela Thrän share the 2024 UFZ Research Award

29. November 2024
Summit in Baku did not lead to any real breakthrough in climate finance

21. November 2024
Environmental Impacts of Plastics: Moving beyond the perspective on waste

14. November 2024
White smokers on the lake floor

30. October 2024
Climate change could increase mobility of toxic metals in soils

30. October 2024
"We want to be pioneers"

21. October 2024
The 2022 drought: What was the role of climate change?

17. October 2024
Effects of chemical mixtures: Neurotoxic effects add up

06. September 2024
A chemical cocktail of micropollutants amplified the effect of algal toxins causing mass fish mortality on the River Oder in 2022

04. September 2024
PFAS influence the development and function of the brain

29. August 2024
Change at the top of the UFZ

12. August 2024
Monitoring forest condition in Germany

06. August 2024
Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe more stable overall than previously thought

22. July 2024
Less productive yet more stable

15. July 2024
Climate adaptation and water security

24. June 2024
Three grants awarded to the UFZ

17. June 2024
"Great success for nature conservation and sustainable land use"

12. June 2024
Two Birds with one Stone: Groundwater treatment and thermal storage

22. May 2024
Natural climate protection: new water in historical rivercourses

15. May 2024
Carbon dioxide removal: feasibility study evaluates possible measures for Germany

13. May 2024
An impact-based forecasting system for improved early flood warning

18. April 2024
More sustainability in global agricultural trade

11. April 2024
ERC Advanced Grant for UFZ ecologist Thorsten Wiegand

26. March 2024
Land under water - what causes extreme flooding

19. March 2024
There are large accumulations of plastics in the ocean, even outside so-called garbage patch

07. March 2024
Mapping chemical footprints in European streams

29. February 2024
Lake Ecosystems: Nitrogen has been underestimated

15. January 2024
Hidden health risks of endocrine disruptors?

10. January 2024
Many Devastating Extremes in 2023 were amplified by Global Warming

21. December 2021
The Hitchhiker’s guide to the soil

07. December 2021
New UFZ Department "Computational Biology"

03. December 2021
UFZ Research Award goes to environmental computer scientist Olaf Kolditz and his team

16. November 2021
Three UFZ scientists among the most influential scientists worldwide

04. November 2021
Evaluation of the risks of chemical mixtures to human health

11. October 2021
Consortium on microbiological research started

04. October 2021
Achieving more sustainability with new narratives

13. September 2021
Degradation of biobased plastics in the soil

06. September 2021
Forest edges in the tropics increase carbon emissions

26. August 2021
Water monitoring from space

01. July 2021
Is global plastic pollution nearing an irreversible tipping point?

15. June 2021
Small streams in agricultural ecosystems are heavily polluted with pesticides

10. June 2021
Climate change, biodiversity loss and social justice – these challenges can only be overcome together

19. May 2021
Recommendations for the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union

12. May 2021
Carbon emissions from dams considerably underestimated so far

03. May 2021
Less precipitation means less plant diversity

31. March 2021
Jordan’s worsening water crisis a warning for the world

24. March 2021
EU project PrecisionTox starts

02. March 2021
Sniffing in the name of science

22. February 2021
Plant responses to climate are lagged

18. February 2021
Scientists Call for a Global Science Panel on Chemicals

04. February 2021
Shorter but more intense

20. January 2021
BlueGreen infrastructures for a new and resource-efficient urban neighbourhood

15. January 2021
Measuring the belowground world

14. January 2021
Bioeconomy Council elects two female leaders

11. January 2021
Important biotechnology perspective

09. December 2020
Temporal crop diversity stabilises agricultural production

09. December 2020
Dynamics in the root zone

07. December 2020
Central Europe: Dry Aprils pave the way for summer droughts

23. November 2020
Reservoir in the Harz region at risk of reaching Italian water temperatures

23. November 2020
Looking beyond city boundaries

19. November 2020
Five UFZ scientists among the most influential scientists worldwide

05. October 2020
Efficient pollen identification

18. September 2020
DIGITAL EARTH receives the special "Digital Science Award"

01. September 2020
Awareness raising alone is not enough

18. August 2020
Are tipping points suitable concepts for developing environmental policies?

06. August 2020
Climate change: Frequency of extreme droughts across Europe predicted to rise

28. July 2020
Shrinking dwarves

09. July 2020
Unraveling the impact of environmental chemicals on the immune system of pregnant women and the health of their children

26. June 2020
Scientists warn of increasing threats posed by invasive alien species

18. June 2020
The disease pyramid: environment, pathogen, individual and microbiome

15. June 2020
Understanding water cycles better with a view from above

20. May 2020
Turning the spotlight on insects

01. May 2020
CO2 emissions from dry inland waters globally underestimated

20. April 2020
Identifying land cover from outer space

09. April 2020
How good is water quality across the globe?

30. March 2020
Ecosystem services are not constrained by borders

27. February 2020
Pesticides increase the risk of schistosomiasis, a tropical disease

12. February 2020
Overweight from cosmetics

10. February 2020
Scientists warn humanity about worldwide insect decline, and suggest ways to recognise

05. February 2020
Helping discover the diversity in soil

29. January 2020
Pollination is better in cities than in the countryside

23. January 2020
Chemicals in the environment: A focus on mixtures

Gene transfer on the fungal highway

Remote sensing is becoming increasingly important in biodiversity research

Researchers compare biodiversity trends with the stock market

Making Sense of Research – Research for Practical Application in Land Management

The decline in emissions also has negative implications

Assessing ecosystem services in Europe on good track

Life on the edge is dangerous

Mystery of archaeal butane degradation solved

Strong at the coast, weak in the cities – the German energy-transition patchwork

Environmental stress enhances the effects of pollutants

Improving predictions of the effects of climate change on ecosystems

Flying beauties: school kids in the Philippines learn what insects do for rice

How natural monocultures evolve in the rainforest

Multiple resources jointly control plant diversity.

Reduced ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations

Gecko clearance sale

Bees are more productive in the city than in surrounding regions

UFZ is one of the winners of the first round of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative

International Citizen Science Community meets in Berlin

STACCATO: New research collaboration in Europe to work towards sustainable agriculture

Maternal smoking during pregnancy leaves its lasting mark on the child’s genetic make-up

Grass and Flowers Sourced Locally

The flexible way to greater energy yield

Researchers discover fairy circles in Australia

Land under pressure

Top-level Scientist to boost Biodiversity Research: Tiffany Knight appointed as Professor

New evidence that diversity has a positive effect on biomass production

Weight gain through plasticisers

Ecosystem services research and stakeholder involvement: between theories and practice

Study finds there is less knowledge about global species diversity than previously assumed

Using sphere packing models to explain the structure of forests
New modelling approach to assess the distribution of different tree sizes in natural forests

Every species counts
The value of biodiversity is particularly high in poor environmental conditions

Biodiversity stabilizes ecosystems during climate extremes
International grasslands study finds benefits of multiple species under wet, dry conditions

New concept to help set priorities in water management
Simplification: a concept linking complexity and niche diversity in ecosystems

Allergic asthma: UFZ researchers identify a key molecule

Mongolia: The Sustainable Use of Scarce Water Resources
MoMo project implements practical solutions

Diversity provides stability among the animals in the wild
Study about moths explains, why insect pests occur in some years

Rapid decline in bumblebee species caused by climate change, study finds

Europeans have unknowingly contributed to the spread of invasive plant species in North America
94 percent of species had previously been cultivated

What Droppings Can Tell Us
With the right techniques, genetic analysis is uncovering more secrets about the distribution and numbers of the threatened Eurasian otter

Humboldt Professorship for UFZ and MLU: Tiffany Knight bolsters biodiversity research

Nature provides solutions to Europe’s woes?

Silicon: An important element in rice production

Diversity prevents resistance
Habitats rich in species therefore make it easier to combat pests

Climate change: bacteria play an important role in the long term storage of carbon in the ocean

A Metabolic imbalance increases the risk of respiratory diseases in childhood

LEGATO annual conference: Rice ecosystem services in South-East Asian landscapes

Omics methods: Towards a better prediction of the effects of substances at very low doses

Bioelectrochemical processes have the potential to one day replace petrochemistry
Lysine production as an example shows potential savings

Amphibian chytrid fungus reaches Madagascar
Over 290 endemic species are at risk

Agricultural insecticides pose a global risk to surface water bodies
The first global map to be produced on potential insecticide contamination

Key genes for establishment of symbiosis between mycorrhiza fungi and trees evolved a repeatedly amount of time
International research team depict important genomes

Fighting Decline of Pollinators in Europe

Research projects contribute to shaping EU regulation to control invasive species
The first Europe-wide legislation to combat alien species with far-reaching consequences

Renewable resources reach their limits
Humanity should use planetary resources with care

Pilot plant for the removal of extreme gas charges from deep waters

New floor covering can lead to breathing problems in babies
Pollutant levels before birth are apparently more critical than after

Ambitious EU targets for renewable energies make economic sense
In implementing energy policy, member states must be allowed degrees of freedom

Later supper for blackbirds in the city
Artificial light gives birds longer to forage for food.

In between red light and blue light: Leipzig researchers discover new functionality of molecular light switches

Due to landscape fragmentation, Brazil's rainforests are releasing more carbon dioxide than previously thought
Effect has so far been missing in reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Study: „The biomethane market needs clear frame conditions for further growth“

The saplings go their own way
A new explanation for the dominance of generalists among tropical trees

Natura 2000 could do a great deal more for nature protection
Researchers present results of major EU project

Scaling in ecology and biodiversity conservation explained in a book and an online tool

Junk DNA not as worthless as once thought
Researchers discover precise regulation mechanisms and suspect correlation with immune response

New water balance calculation for the Dead Sea
Climate change could have a bigger impact on water resources in Jordan than in Israel and Palestine

Socio-economic change more of a problem for nomads than climate change
Study on the impacts on livestock farming in arid regions

Chemical pollution of European waters is stronger than anticipated
Large-scale study shows: Ecological targets of the Water Framework Directive will presumably not be met

New EU reforms fail European wildlife

Fairy circles apparently not created by termites after all
New study of mysterious bare patches in Namibian grasslands supports theory of self-organisation

UV-radiation data to help ecological research

Exotic plant species alter ecosystem productivity
Researchers from the UFZ warn that ecosystems will change dramatically

Are plants more intelligent than we assumed?
In the fight against parasites, the Barberry sacrifices its own seeds depending upon its chances of survival

Micropredators dictate occurrence of deadly amphibian disease
A new study raises hope to successfully fight the chytrid amphibian pathogen

Each food fish can cause specific allergies
Research into protein provides new insight into fish allergies

Biodegradable or not?
Scientists are developing classifications in order to better differentiate readily-biodegradable from long-lasting pesticides

Infected butterflies lead geneticists up the garden path
UFZ researchers illustrate the weaknesses of DNA barcoding

Global map provides new insights into land use
UFZ researchers show the complexity of land use by mapping its common patterns

The potential of straw for the energy mix has been underestimated
Study: Straw could supply energy to several millions of households in Germany

Smoking affects molecular mechanisms and thus children’s immune systems
For the first time UFZ study describes the effects of prenatal environmental stressors on the regulation of microRNAs

New Centre for Water Research
The TU Dresden and UFZ join forces

Can bacteria combat oil spill disasters?
Scientists examine the alternatives to toxic dispersants

Artificial lighting and noise alter biorhythms of birds
Nights are definitely shorter in the city centre

Fish Embryos Possess a Mechanism for Protection against Chemicals
UFZ researchers discover function of protein as transporter of toxic chemicals in the zebrafish embryo

Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades

Placing flood mitigation on four pillars
UFZ researchers draw conclusions from the 2013 floods and outline what must be done in future to mitigate these consequences

Pesticides significantly reduce biodiversity in aquatic environments
Current pesticide risk assessment falls short of protecting biodiversity

Modern dragons endangered - The relentless Exploitation of Asian Giant Lizards revealed

Too much vitamin D during pregnancy can cause food allergies
The Leipzig Helmholtz study indicates a link between high vitamin D levels in expectant mothers and increased infant allergy risks.

Santiago de Chile will get drier and warmer
Scientists from Chile and Germany present recommendations of how to adapt the Latin American Megacity to climate change

GI tract bacteria may protect against autoimmune disease
Researchers show that altering gut microbes protects against disease, supporting the ‘hygiene hypothesis’

Fertile soil doesn't fall from the sky. The contribution of bacterial remnants to soil fertility has been underestimated until now

Climate change evident across Europe, confirming urgent need for adaptation

Smoking affects allergy-relevant stem cells
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research investigates the relationship between environmental influences and stem cell development for the first time

Triclosan needs to be monitored

UFZ is breaking new grounds in water management
Project Implementation Office established at the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation

Food vs. fuel: Is there surplus land for bioenergy?

A European-wide network for systematic GMO impact assessment

New methods might drastically reduce the costs of investigating polluted sites

Major update to Europe’s ‘alien’ species catalogue

Protecting ecosystems brings benefits to society
A synthesis report for policy makers

Stable isotopes a universal tool. Isotope researchers meet in Leipzig

Scientists call policy-makers to be scale-aware

Teamwork against Benzene
The carcinogenic harmful substance benzene can seriously impact the soil and ground water following chemical accidents or at old industrial sites

Contaminant Transport in the Fungal Pipeline
Fungi are found throughout the soil with giant braiding of fine threads. However, these networks have surprising functions

The first pilot wastewater treatment plant with integrated wood production opened in Mongolia
UFZ researchers are developing new concepts for the combination of ecological wastewater treatment and energy production.

Study: Pesticide authorisation procedures fail to ade-quately protect biodiversity in rivers

Global Prices of Pollination-dependent Products such as Coffee and Cocoa Could Continue to Rise in the Long Term

How the Ecological Risks of Extended Bioenergy Production can be Reduced
Researchers present a modelling tool

Live fast, die young
New study shows that plant species living in urban backyards are closer related to each other and live shorter than plant species in the countryside

How to save Europe’s most threatened butterflies

Great International Interest in the Value of Nature
Leading environmental economists meet at the UFZ in advance of the Rio sustainability summit

Largest seabird alters their foraging due to climate change
Adapting to changing environmental conditions in the Southern Ocean

Birds and butterflies are unable to track climate change
European study reveals for the first time impacts on a large scale

Rapid rise in wildfires in large parts of Canada?
Ecologists show for the first time threshold values for natural wildfires

Economy and Ecology: Reconciling economic development and the conservation of Europe’s Biodiversity
Special Issue on ALARM Project Explores Europe’s Ecological Futures

Insecticides an increasing problem in future for streams in Europe
Pollution growing particularly in the Baltic Sea region according to study

Pesticides pollute European waterbodies more than previously thought
List of chemicals to be monitored should be updated immediately

Europe and the global food crisis
Press release for World Food Day, 16 October 2011

Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Europe
A baseline for the conservation of a core element of biodiversity

Productivity of land plants may be greater than previously thought
Researchers recommend the reworking of global carbon models in NATURE

If insurance companies pay out too often, farmers will be threatened with ruin in the long term
First study on the ecological consequences of rain-index insurance

Plants create a water reserve in the soil
Experiments performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) reveal that a zone of higher water concentration exists around the roots of a plant

Poor outlook for water quality in Germany
Good quality status of water bodies required in EU by 2015 unlikely to be attained, reveals study

Hydrogen highway in the deep sea
Max Planck Researchers discover hydrogen-powered symbiotic bacteria in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels

Chile is more dangerous for Argentina than vice versa
Researchers investigate the spread of invasive plant species in South America and Australia

LEGATO - a major international project on sustainable development of rice ecosystems in Southeast Asia to be launched on 14th June in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

Modern EU agriculture jeopardises biodiversity in new member states
Study from Romania highlights the importance of traditional agriculture in protecting amphibians

Evolution in the back yard
Census of 750,000 banded snails leads to surprising results

Untapped potential
Fungi set to be deployed against hazardous chemicals far more often

Globalisation burdens future generations with biological invasions
The consequences of the current high levels of socio-economic activity on the extent of biological invasions will probably not be completely realized until decades into the future

Scientists: The fire in Israel is a typical example of climate change effects in the Mediterranean
Climate forecasts for the region predict an advance of the desert about 300 kilometers to the north

October 2010
Bangladesh - Arsenic in the water
Helmholtz Centre tests new arsenic-detection kit ARSOlux in Bangladesh

TEEB Report Puts World’s Natural Assets on the Global Political Radar

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Local and Regional Policy Makers report launched at major biodiversity conference in Ghent

Scientists receive 2010 Erwin Schrödinger Prize for developing "arsenic detector"

Pleasing to the eye
Even brooding female birds are sensitive to visual stimulation

Signs of reversal of Arctic cooling in some areas
New data indicate rapid temperature rise in the coldest region of mainland Europe

Consequences of being rich: wealth and population are key drivers of invasive species in Europe

Chinese-German collaboration yields new species of Large Blue butterfly

Politics is a key factor in biodiversity
Scientists present the first ever Atlas of Biodiversity Risk

First German-Jordanian research and demonstration facility for decentralised wastewater technology opens in Jordan
Researchers develop new decentralised wastewater management concepts for the Middle East

Were short warm periods typical for transitions between interglacial and glacial epochs in prehuman times?
Researchers evaluate climate fluctuations from 115,000 years ago

Participatory processes in the European Union can be improved
Junior scientists submit recommendations for environmental legislators

Less beekeepers throughout Europe
A first-time overview of the population trends for honey bee colonies and beekeepers in Europe

Species distribution models are of only limited value for predicting future mammal distributions
Competition plays a decisive role in climate change adaptation

Europe’s flora is becoming impoverished
And thereby losing the ability to react to environmental changes

Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide in the long term
Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change

White, but not pure
Scientists detect PCBs on America’s highest peak

When roots lose contact
Drought-related shrinking processes detected in living roots in the soil for the first time

TEEB report released on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy makers

ERC provides millions for biodiversity research
Scientists research coexistence in species-rich communities

Pesticides - Easier detection of pollution and impact in rivers

Time to Tap Climate Change-Combating Potential of the World’s Ecosystems
Inaction Already Threatening Multi-Billion Dollar Coral Reef Services and Livelihoods of Half a Billion People

Bioavailable contaminants come from the Exxon Valdez oil catastrophe
Researchers disprove theory that natural coal deposits are the source of environmental pollution

German butterfly experts export know-how
Now butterflies are also being counted in China, Australia and Israel.

When children have breathing problems
UFZ researchers involved in improving air quality in La Plata’s industrial zone

A question of height
What Europe can learn from the successful reintroduction of a once extinct butterfly in Britain

Ecologists Put Price Tag on Invasive Species
Research reports costs of invasive species’ damage to ecosystem services

Fitting pieces for biosensors
New book provides an overview of aptamer development and applications

Are tungsten carbide cobalt nanoparticles harmful to health?
Results from the BMBF-funded INOS project

New theory on largest known mass extinction in the history of the earth
Did volatile halogenated gases from giant salt lakes at the end of the Permian Age lead to a mass extinction of species?

Climate change aims need to be better integrated into land use planning, economic and transport policies

Seven recommendations from Aarhus to COP15!

A sustainable water supply for Brasília

Climate change enhances grassland productivity
More frequent freeze-thaw cycles intensify soil processes

11,000 alien species invade Europe
A comprehensive overview

Acrylic glass made of sugar
New enzyme could revolutionise production of plastics.

Extreme weather postpones the flowering time of plants
A severe drought period changes nature as much as a decade of global warming

Impacts of climate change on lakes

What causes cellular defences to crumble ...
Mussels possess a cellular barrier against toxicants that can be breached by environmental chemicals

Vegetation hardly affected by extreme flood events
First publication on the impacts on flora and fauna of the Elbe flood of 2002

Fires regenerate African grassland
Are fires more important than rain for the savannah ecosystem?

Similarity of urban flora
New study shows that plants in towns and cities are more closely related than those in the countryside

Significant increase in alien plants in Europe
Detailed overview available for the first time

Economic value of insect pollination worldwide estimated at 153 billion euros

Drinking water in Gaza Strip contaminated with high levels of nitrate
Manure and wastewater are polluting the water and endangering infant health

Climate change threatens one in five plant species
Climate change alters growing conditions in many regions of the world. How global warming could affect Germany’s flora researchers have now simulated using computer models.

Let the cat keep chasing the mouse
Ecological modellers create a scientific basis for a nationwide network of corridors to conserve the European Wild Cat

Tunguska catastrophe: Evidence of acid rain supports meteorite theory

New findings on immune system in amphibians
Researchers unravel complexity of the major histocompatibility complex in tailed amphibians

Stress during childhood increases the risk of allergies
Moving house, separating or unemployed parents cause sensitisation

Otters reveal their identity
- tell-tale deposits help nature protection

The Cormorant - the "black plague" or an example of successful species conservation?
Researchers suggest an action plan to smooth the conflict between fishermen and conservationists

When the blue butterfly bush blossoms
Why invasive species have an advantage over established native ones.

Exhibition: Millions of Ways of Life – Research for Biological Diversity

Biodiversity as a natural resource

Plague of kangaroos threatens one of Australia’s last remaining original native grasslands
German and Australian researchers investigate the consequences of urbanisation

Deep Sea Methane Scavengers Captured

New gas sensors for monitoring carbon dioxide sinks
A world novelty first presented at IFAT 2008

Arable land can have a negative impact on air quality
Farmland dust cloud from the Ukraine detected in Germany for the first time

New HIGRADE graduate school gets off to a good start

Shrinkage and ageing are Europe-wide challenges
Scientists discuss the impacts of demographic change on European cities

Flying off course
Why migratory birds from Asia land in Europe

New formula for combating the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide
Germany’s Year of Mathematics: Mathematics provides key to researching climate-friendly wastewater treatment

12.03.2008 (update 26.03.2008)
Tagfalter-Monitoring is not involved in a monitoring programme for MON810 genetically modified maize

New Environmental Performance Index – not a model for Germany
Lumping different countries together - why the 2008 EPI is of limited use

New method for measuring biodiversity
How individual species help structure the biodiversity of tropical rainforests

Helmholtz centres sign agreement with UN
New Risk Habitat Megacity research initiative

New concepts for ecological use of drylands
German and Chinese researchers searching for solutions

"Money does not smell - until it is touched"
Scientists explain the typical odor of iron and other metals

Biodiversity issues need a better communication on knowledge
Workshop in Leipzig provides recommendations

Better lobby needed for global biodiversity
From 2 to 4 October 2006, international experts in Leipzig will be discussing a new advisory committee along the lines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Nature + Culture = new specialist journal for interdisciplinary environmental research

New illegal aliens
International experts present state of the art on "biological invasions" at the Euroscience Open Forum 2006

Invasive species suppress the growth of native trees
Is Canada’s national symbol dying out because of a European herb?

Over half the plant species in Europe at risk because of climate change
UFZ scientists present research findings at the UN Conference on Biological Diversity in Brazil

Nanoparticles put to the test
New research consortium examines possible risks with the goal of supporting small and medium-sized companies.

Viewing waste water as valuable resources
Science for schools

What to do when nature conservation is successful and humans face competition again?
International conference looks at management of conflicts between wildlife and human resource use

Hay or butterflies?
UFZ researchers design a programme that reconciles nature conservation with agricultural use of meadows

Using REACH as an opportunity to find alternatives to animal experiments
A need for intelligent test strategies instead of blindly testing everything

"The world is not enough"
Realistic models of agent-based systems open up new possibilities

Predicting invasions
European research project investigates the spread of the giant hogweed

Signs of magmatic activity in Central Europe observed for the first time
Scientists find a new explanation for earthquake swarms in the Vogtland region

The country needs new landscapes
Innovative concepts for black earth – Soil of the Year 2005

The mixture matters!
What concepts make inner city life more attractive?

Volkswagen Foundation supports knowledge transfer from Eastern Germany to Eastern Central Europe
International research project on the effects of demographic change

New species discovered
Scientists call for woodland management rethink

Particulates – a serious threat to health
Ever tinier particles are coming under the researchers’ microscopes

MODELKEY – The key to clean surface waters
New large-scale EU project researches river ecosystems

Micro-organisms in salt lakes produce chlorinated air pollutants
Discovery of a new natural factor in desertification