Cyano2022 - 7th Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria


Dear fellow Cyano enthusiasts,

We invite you for this years’ Cyano2022, the 7th early career researcher symposium on cyanobacteria, an initiative from the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie, VAAM). It takes place from 26.-28.09.2022 in Leipzig, Germany, hosted by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ. As usual, this meeting of the special group cyanobacteria of the VAAM will be, besides invited keynote speakers, mainly composed of talk and poster contributions from young scientists, explicitly including students, with plenty of time for discussions, completed by a social program.

It is our great pleasure to announce the confirmed keynote speakers:

Katja Bühler (UFZ Leipzig) on site
Jan Červený (Global Change Research Institute, Brno) on site
Nir Keren (University of Jerusalem) online
Pia Lindberg (Uppsala University) on site

We’re looking forward to their and your participation!


Schedule Cyano2022

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two events of this series unfortunately had to be done online. This year we can meet actually in person again in Leipzig! There are no specific regulations in place currently, meaning no obligations for tests or wearing masks. However, we kindly ask you to protect yourself and others by staying away from the symposium, if you have any symptoms similar to COVID-19 and of course when you were tested positively. Furthermore, we recommend to stick to basic hygiene rules and to wear a mask in crowded situations, such as poster sessions.


Adrian Tüllinghoff, Franz Opel, Hannah Berreth, Mahir Bozan, Paul Böhme, and Sara Lupacchini

The Cyano2022 organization committee