Julia Kunkel

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Department for Ecological Modeling

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Building 1.0, Room 202

Phone.: +49 341 235- 1748
Fax.: +49 341 235- 451748



Research Interests

  • Comparing different designs for climate risk insurances
  • Investigating the sustainability of grassland management options
  • Assesing the impact of policy instruments on agriculture
  • Incorporating human behaviour into socio-ecological models
  • Identification of valuable business strategies on energy markets


10/2017-09/2023 Diploma Business Mathematics
University of Leipzig
Thesis: "Balancing reserve activation in energy system models: Methodology development including performance and robustness evaluation of selected numerical solving techniques"
since 04/2022 PhD Student
Department of Ecological Modeling within the working group POLISES
Exploring the impact of insurance products on grassland farmer's behaviour in cooperation with ETH Zurich and iDiv within the project InsuranceGrass
10/2020-12/2021 Research Assistant
Chair for Energy Management and Sustainability at University of Leipzig within the H2-Flex project
10/2019-03/2022 M.Sc. Sustainability Management
University of Leipzig
Thesis: "Balancing reserve activation in energy system models: Methodology development including performance and robustness evaluation of selected numerical solving techniques."
08/2019-01/2020 Exchange Semester Environmental Engineering
Tongji University Shanghai
10/2014-09/2017 B.Sc. Business Mathematics
University of Bayreuth
Thesis: "Optimale Diplomatie in mehrdimensionalen
Meinungsräumen und die zwölf Geschworenen"
Beside research
Working student
TenneT TSO GmbH
European Energy Exchange AG