Siqi Wu

Siqi Wu

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

building: 6.0
office: 212
phone: 0341 6025 1582

Siqi Wu

Siqi is a Ph.D. student in at the Department of Exposure Science since December 2022.

He is currently focusing on the occurrence, migration, and transformation of microplastics and relevant organic pollutants in sediments and soils and includes the method development of LC-MSMS, and TED-GCMS to measure organic pollutants and microplastics in the environment. Additionally, the impact of environmental influences such as UV radiation and freeze-thaw cycles on the environmental behavior of plastic products (release of microplastic and organic pollutants, risk of soil ecosystem exposure) is also a point he is focusing on.

Siqi studied Environmental Engineering at Jiangnan University and started his research on the treatment of wastewater and truck exhaust purification. Then, he continued his research on environmental pollutants with ecological safety and human health at Chongqing University and received his master's degree. During this time, he learned a variety of environmental pollutant detection methods and a variety of pollutant detection instruments.