lab people

Lab members (since 2000)

I am currently not accepting new PhD students or Postdocs

  • Antonio Perea, (PostDoc, University Jaen, Spain)
    Postdoctoral Margarita Salas fellowship, University Jaen (2023-2024) The relative role of mutualists and antagonists on plant recruitment and their effects on the assembly of Mediterranean mixed forests. Spatially explicit approaches using dissimilarity landscapes.
  • Oskar Hagen, (PostDoc iDiv Leipzig, Germany)
    iDiv Flexpool PostDoc together with Renske Onstein and Jon Chase (2021-2023) Disentangling eco-evolutionary dynamics across temporal and spatial scales.
  • Wirong Chanthorn (Assistant professor Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
    Humboldt fellow (2020-2022) Spatial interaction of lianas and trees in a tropical forest of Thailand
  • Antonio Archidona Yuste (Postdoc , IFAPA Cordoba, Spain)
    Humboldt fellow (2019-2021) Variation of soil nematodes communities as driving agents of ecosystem multifunctionality in drylands
  • Lukas Flinspach (PhD student, University of Marburg, Germany)
    DFG PhD project together with Maaike Bader (2019-2022) Alpine-treeline spatial patterns as indicators for climate-change responses: a global study using community-supported pattern-based modelling
  • Victoria Jimenez Franco (Postoc, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain)
    Postdoctoral fellowship VALi+d of Valencian Community (2018-2020) Demographic and genetic response of terrestrial vertebrates to global change: assessment of impacts and mitigation strategies using simulation modelling                                            
  • Eva Gracia Martinez (Associate Professor, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Spain)
    Postdoctoral fellowship VALi+d of Valencian Community (2015-2017) Changes in species distribution as consequence of global change: development of simulation models to understand their mechanisms
  • Felix May (Staff Researcher, University of Potsdam, Germany)
    Postdoc ERC advanced grant (2012-2015) Spatially-explicit neutral theory for assessing conditions for coexistence in plan communities
  • Jose Fedriani (Staff Researcher, CIDE-CSIC, Valencia, Spain )
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2012-2014) Incorporating Allee effects and disperser behavior into complex recruitment kernels
  • Guochun Shen (Associate Professor, East China Normal University, China)
    ERC advanced grant (2011-2012) Phylogenetic spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
  • Martin Kazmierczak
    ERC advanced grant (2011-2014) Dynamics of tropical forests
  • Stephan Getzin (PostDoc, University of Göttingen, Germany)
    ERC advanced grant (2010-2015) Spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
  • Eduardo Velázquez (PostDoc, iuFOR, University of Valladolid, Spain)
    ERC advanced grant (2010-2014) Spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
  • Ruwan Punchi-Manage (Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
    DAAD PhD fellowship and ERC advanced grant (2010-2014), defended 2014 Identifying spatial patterns of tropical rain forest in Sri Lanka
  • Alvaro Gutierrez (Assistant Professor, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile)
    ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2010) Individual-based and spatially-explicit version of FORMIND
  • Javier Rodriguez Perez (Researcher, University of Navarra, Spain)
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2009-2011) The spatial patterns of disruption of plant-animal interactions within a population dynamic approach
  • Rajapandian Kanagaraj (Researcher, , Department of Biology, McGill University, Canada)
    ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2009-2015) Habitat modeling and spatial pattern analysis of tropical forests
  • Maite Louzao Arsuaga (Senior researcher, AZTI Marine Research, Spain)
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2009-2011) Marine protected areas for the conservation of marine top predators
  • Florian Hartig (Professor, University Regensburg, Germany)
    ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2009-2012) Statistical inference for stochastic simulations models
  • Pablo Cipriotti (Reseracher Facultad de Agronomía – IFEVA / CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    Georg Forster fellowship, Humboldt Foundation (2008-2010) Patch dynamics in arid ecosystems from Patagonian steppe: The role of shrub populations and biotic interactions, and the effects of grazing and droughts
  • Isabel Martinez Cano (PostDoc, LSCE - Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, France)
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and ERC advanced grant (2008-2010) A model for Pyrenean treeline: from individuals to landscapes under a changing climate
  • Jose Daniel Anadon (Ramon y Cajal Reseracher, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Spain)
    Postdoctoral fellowship of Fundación Séneca (2008-2010) Population dynamics and connectivity of populations of spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) in fragmented landscapes in southeast Spain
  • Eva Garcia (PhD)
    UFZ guest scientist fellowship (2004-2005), defended 2006 Effect of canopy structure on rainfall partition of three shrub species in semiarid climate
  • Stephanie Kramer-Schadt (Professor, TU Berlin and Researcher Leipzig IZW, Berlin, Germany)
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (1999-2002) PhD fellowship German Federal Environmental Foundation, defended 2002 Scenarios assessing the viability of a lynx population in Germany
  • Eloy Revilla ( Staff researcher and director Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (1999-2002) Individual-based spatially explicit models applied to the conservation of the endangered Iberian lynx

Recent visitors (> 1 month) since 2015

Stephen Murphy (2015), Ian McFadden (2015), Maria Genoveva Gatti (2015), Wirong Chanthorn (2015), Antonio Archidona Yuste (2016), Andres Fuentes (2017-2018), Maria Victoria Jimenez Franco (2017), Xugao Wang (2017), Kelly Ribeiro (2018), Xugao Wang (2018), Pablo Cipriotti (2018/2019), Antonio Perea Martos (2020/2021), Raquel Muñoz-Gallego (2021)