Former Team Members

Dipl.-Soz. Julia Schuppan

Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

J. Schuppan

Areas of Expertise & Research

  • behaviour change in key events
  • sustainable behaviours
  • intervention and evaluation research
  • qualitative and quantitative methods

Curriculum Vitae

2009 − 2016

PhD Fellow, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

2013 − 2014

Researcher, Integrated Transport Planning, project City2e, Technische Universität Berlin

2008 – 2009

Researcher, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

2005 – 2008

Research Assistant, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

2004 – 2005

Sociology, Université de Nantes, France

2001 – 2008

Diplom Sociology (~Master) and psychology (minor), Universität Leipzig

Current Project

Travel behaviour in vocational key events during life time. Evaluation of an intervention through a quantitative field experiment and qualitative interviews

Membership and honors

Publications and Presentations

Delatte, A., Kettner, S., Schenk, E., Schuppan, J. (2014): Multimodale Mobilität ohne eigenes Auto im urbanen Raum − Eine qualitative Studie in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. TU Berlin: Berlin.

Schuppan, J., Delatte, A., Kettner, S., Schwedes, O. (2014): Urban multimodal travel behaviour: towards mobility without a private car. Transportation Research Procedia 4, 553-556.

Harms, S., Probst, J. (2008): Nachhaltiger Stadtverkehr – Beeinflussung des Konsumentenverhaltens durch push- und pull-Maßnahmen. Umweltpsychologie 12(1), 80-100.

Probst, J. (2008): Buchrezension: Schreiner, Martin: Multimodales Marketing nachhaltiger Mobilität als Teil integrierten Mobilitätsmanagements, MetaGIS Systems, Mannheim. Erdkunde 62(2), 182-183.


Delatte, A., Kettner, S., Schuppan, J. (2014): Urban multimodal mobility without a private car. A qualitative analysis in Prenzlauer Berg. mobil.TUM, Munich.

Schuppan, J., Thronicker, I., Harms, S. (2012): Changing people's travel behavior and the role of habits. Poster at Planet under pressure, London.

Schuppan, J., Harms, S. (2011): Influencing travel mode habits by applying soft policy measures in biographical changes: The case of changes in professional life. European Sociological Association, Genf.

Thronicker, I., Schuppan, J., Harms, S. (2011): Influencing travel mode choice by soft measures in moments of change. The case of residential relocations and changes in professional life. Conference on Environmental Psychology, Eindhoven.

Schuppan, J., Harms, S. (2009): The influence of key events on the acceptance of integrated mobility service packages as an alternative to car ownership. The example of junior jobseekers and retirees. 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Zurich.

Harms, S., Probst, J. (2008): Mobility Behaviour and Information Seeking Activities in Changing Circumstances. International Association People-Environmental Studies (IAPS), Rom.