Comparative law analysis on instruments for sustainable land management (CLAIM)



2013 − 2014


Comparative law analysis for the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.,
Legal expertise for the scientific coordination project (Module B), BMBF-Funding Measure “Sustainable Land Management”

Project Description

This comparative law analysis investigates to what extent sustainability approaches have been incorporated into the framework for special land use sectors, what specific legal instruments are used to achieve sustainability concerns, how effective these tools are and how these instruments are evaluated. Where it is possible and necessary, this project will also make suggestions for reform. The study examines the following land use sectors:

  • Agriculture
  • Water
  • Settlement development (settlement expansion and open space protection)
  • Energy supply (wind and biomass)

It is understood that sustainable land management − regardless of sectoral policies for sustainability − has to provide coordination between different sectors addressing land management, and an integrated management of different spatial requirements. Accordingly, this project’s focus is related to the land use planning systems (space-related sectoral and overall planning), because it is expected that coordination and integration can be effected in a distinctive way by planning instruments. However the study will also deal with other legal management approaches that have impact on land use, for example implemented sustainability goals, admission procedures and incentives likes charges and funding programs.

The study does not focus only on Germany, but also includes studies in three other European countries and the USA.

Final Report

Deckblatt Abschlussbericht CLAIM

Köck, W., Bovet, J., Möckel, S., Rath, K. und Reese, M. (2015): Rechtsvergleichende Studie zu Instrumenten eines nachhaltigen Landmanagements / Comparative Law Analysis on Instruments for Sustainable Land Management. Diskussionspapier Nr. 10, Mai 2015. Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Müncheberg.

Download: Final report CLAIM