The need for legal actions for adaptation to the results of climate change - analysis, amendment and new development of legal instruments



Project financed by the German Federal Environmental Authority


10/2008 - 03/2010


Even an ambitious mitigation policy to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (the so called 2-°C objective) will not be able to prevent climate change completely. This means that an adaptation will be necessary.

The requirements of adaptation to climate change strike many areas of society, for example water resources and flood management, urban land use and plant construction, agriculture and forestry, but also nature conservation, regional land use planning and coastal zone management.

Actions of the stakeholders in these sectors are controlled by rules of environmental and planning law, among others. The project's objective is to answer the question whether existing instruments of environmental and planning law are effective enough to cope with the needs of an adaptation to climate change, or whether the predicted climate change also requires legal adjustments, in the latter case options for such adjustments will have to be identified. In this process, especially regulations for knowledge generation and provision of information have to be considered.

The project focuses on the analysis of water legislation, including the law on flood protection, the protection of soil, on the approval of industrial installations, on urban land use and regional planning, and on environmental impact assessment.


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